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Yoongi was walking around the kitchen like a headless chicken. He tried to act like he knew where very thing was but it didn't work. He got frustrated after a while and stopped searching. He looked at me with a ''help me'' expression. I stood up from the table and picked up all the stuff he needed.

I walked around the kitchen while Yoongi's eyes followed me, trying to remember where everything is located. ''So here is everthing you need, now go cook'' I say with a jokingly bossy tone. ''Sir yes sir''He saluted me. I saluted him back and he started to cook.

I texted my mom back who was asking me about my day. I didn't have the heart to tell her exactly what happend. My mom is soft hearted, anyone and anythink can make her overthink and not fall asleep at night.

It's very early in the morning in the Netherlands now, she just woke up to visit my grandmother. She always calls me at this time. We chat for a bit through text until Yoongi is done.

I suddenly remember what i did and facepalm myself. Maryam are you stupid?! How can you cry infront of him like that and to top it you put your head on his shoulder! I really really hope it doesn't get awkward. Blood rushed to my cheeks thinking back at that situation. His shoulder was weirdly comforting. 

I bearly know the guy, yet we connect well. Maybe this is the start of a good friendship? Like a professional friendship, i mean i am with them 5 days a week. Of course i will become friends with them eventualy. I just hope the company doesn't find out.

I recive a text from Sarang. ''Maryam i did something stupid'' oh gosh what did she do this time. ''WHAT DID YOU DO'' i text back. ''I walked into the son of my boss lady, i had a plate filled with fruits and i fell movie style on top of him. My boss didn't see it tho. He said that he would keep his mouth shut, PRAY FOR ME'' I read the text. My eyes grew bigger and i started to laugh. This is such a Sarang thing to do hahaha. I reply to her ''Go get your mans girl. That is one hell of a move hehe I gotta go now bye~''. I smile and lock my phone.

''Aaaand done~'' Yoongi put a bowl with noodles infront of me. He puts down some side dishes as well. I give him a small aplause ''Great presentation'' i complimented him. I look besides the bowl to see chopsticks. I pick them up and try to use them .

I fail miserably. I try again and again, i look over to see Yoongi eating with chopsticks effortlessly. I heard him laugh when i failed to pick up the noodles again. I put them down and grab a fork. Before i could even eat with it, he pushed my hand away and gave me the chopsticks again.

''Here i will teach you ''He grabbed my hand and put the chopsticks in between my fingers. ''Index finger here, ring finger here. Yes and here you go''He let go off my hand and i tried to pick a tissue up.

''Omg look i did it''I said like a little child who wants to show her mother something. He laughed at how happy i was. We ate our dinner silently, but it was a good kind of silence.

''Woah that was so nice! Thank you for the dinner'' I smiled. I cleaned the bowles and put them back in the kitchen. ''You owe me something'' I turned to face him and looked at him with a puzzeld face.

''And what exactly do i owe you, if i may ask?" i folded my arms. ''A explanation''. I cleared my throat and sat back down at the table. He sat down across me.  I took a deep breath.

''I lost a patient today'' I bluntly say. I was staring at him with a blank, emotionless expression. "I lost a patient today, while i was performing CPR. I couldn't save her'' I ball my fist and squeez it. "She has twin daughters, same age as me. That was the first thing she said after i introduced myself to her'' I say with a shaking voice. I take a deep breath again, trying to control my emotions. "But the funny thing is, i don't even know the woman. We just met for a few minutes and then she got into a cardiac arrest''.

Yoongi put down a glass of water infront of me.  I took a sip form it and stare blankly at the table. ''You know that you are human right?'' I look up a the boy sitting across me. ''And humans have feelings'' He says with a calm voice. ''Did you do everything in your power and abillity to help that lady?".

''I did, but it wasn't enough'' I bit on my lip. He leaned on the table ''Then there is nothing else you could have done. Maryam you and the doctors did everything you guys could do. Don't blame this on yourself, please''

I felt my eyes water again. I look up to the ceiling in the hope that the tears will go back. ''Even the doctor that was with you lost a patient.'' He is a man of few words, but he uses them so well. I nodded ''You are right, i did what i could. She was suffering already, this is the best for her. She is in a better place." A few tears roll down ''Ugh and i'm crying again. Gosh i'm such a baby'' I wipe my tears quickly. ''No you are not a baby, it's a normal reaction to a situation like this''. I look at him and give him a sincere smile ''I really want to thank you Yoongi, I mean Sir.''

''Please, call me Yoongi''. I nodded. ''Shit, it's already this late?! I need to cook dinner for the rest''. I put my hands on my head. ''Don't worry about that, i sent them all out to eat dinner in a restaurant near by'' He scratched his neck.

''I figured you would need some rest, after today''. ''Thank you so much for listening, like really, besides Sarang i know nobody here in Korea. It gets pretty lonely sometimes. You know"

Aish Maryam stupid now he is going to think that you are some kind of loner. Arggh should have said that you had friends or something! But wait, who cares tho, right? I look at my watch "Oh i really should go home, thank you for everything. I will see you tomorrow" I rush out of the kitchen. And rush to the busstop.

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