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It was time for Yoongi to go on stage. "Good luck Yoongs, i will be out there secretly cheering for you" I gave him a quick kiss on his cheek. "Thank you Princess, i hope you enjoy the show" He squeezes my hand a bit. Hoseok opened the door"Show time loverboy" "Bye guys! Show them what you got!" I wave them bye.

I get a text from Mister Sejin " If you follow the signs staff only, you will get to the area where we are seated. See you in a bit!". Signs? Oh! I follow the signs, they lead me to GA area. "Over here" Sejin waves. I walk towards him "Why do i feel nervous for them" i said to him. "I was like this my first bts concert too, it's because we have a good bond with them and feel with them".

The boys came on stage and crushed it. Song after song. Fire in their eyes. This whole show i couldn't keep my eyes off one person, Yoongi. He looks so different, way more hard core. A world of difference. After Jungkook's solo i get a call on my pager "Jungkook is having dyspnoea". WHAT?!

I ran out of my chair towards the back stage part "Where is Jungkook?!". I was handed a medical kit right away. There was a figure laying on the ground with alot of people surrounding him. "We need to clear the room, he needs air" Staff members helped me get the people out of the room.

I put my focus back on Jungkook " Hey hey Jungkook, it's me Maryam. I'm here okay, we will do the same as the last time okay?" I Put the mask on his face again and give him the inhalation medication. "Can i get some icepacks over here please?" He is burning up. They get the ice from the freezer"Put it on his forehead and neck".

The whole team works with me. I hear someone enter the room "Sorry but can you please go to a other room we need spa- Yoongi?" I turned my head to see a shocked Yoongi standing in the door. His eyes watered and walked out. I want to go after him but i cant right now.

"Jin can you go check up on him please?" Jin who was the one who found Jungkook went after him. "Jungkook how are you feeling now?" He gave me a thumbs up "okay good, we need to take off your clothes now so we can cool you down". He shook his head "it's okay, i will leave you with my fellow staff members. They know what to do. Don't worry i won't see anything". He grabs my hand and weakly squeezes it as a sign to let me know he's agreeing with it. I put my hand on top of his "Hang in there golden child, you will get better trust me".

Jungkook is a very shy boy, he doesn't like it when people see his body. I respect his boundaries, give the staff instruction how to cool him down and leave the room. Outside in the hall way i see Yoongi with a puffy face. He runs to me "Is- Is he okay? Please tell me"  his hands are around my face. I study his face, his eyes are bloodshot and nose is stuffy. "Yes, he is doing fine, his body is just overheated and his airways just couldn't ha-"He pulls me into a tight hug.

"I'm so proud of you that you can handle all of that. I was so scared when i saw him" His shoulders relax "That's my job sweetheart, it's very hard but you know, if i panic things won't go well for the patient". I pat his back to calm him down. "Yoongi you're up in 10" A staff member comes rushing to him with his outfit in her hands. She pulls him away from me into his dressing room. I wave to him and go back to check on Jungkook.

"JK my man" I say as i walk into the room. Jungkook gives me a smile "Yes that's what i wanted to see! How are you feeling?" "Better now, thanks Maryam. You know exactly how to handle my situation". I smile at him " Because i know my friends very well. Are you okay to perform again tho?" He nods. "I can't let the team down, so i'm going to perform sitting down. The concert is almost over anyways".

He gets called as well to get dressed so i leave the room and head to the venue again. *ping* huh a email? I will read it later, the boys will be on in about 5 minutes. I head back to my spot to watch the boys perform again. They where performing one of my all time favorite songs, Miss Right.

"If I'm with you, anywhere we go is a flower garden
Instead of holding designer bags, you hold my hand
Instead of jealousy and envy, you understand my nature
With you, I draw out my future"

Yoongi raps these lines while standing infront of my section. He always says to me "You know i can buy you anything you want right? Just name the designer you want i will buy it". He does this because the my fellow staff members once where kind of making fun of me for not knowing what brand a item was. And they kind of laughed when i said that i just buy my clothes anywhere, if i like the item i buy it. But to be honest they where the stylists of BTS so i get where they where coming from but also not. Material is not everything. Not to be cliche but i'm not really into that. I always tell him "Instead of a designer back i want to hold your hand when i walk down the street". He is a sucker for cheezy lines, little does he know i steal them all from their songs.

Oh right i had a email in my inbox, let me check... huh i don't know this person. There is a file. As i click on it dozens of pictures of me and Yoongi show up. My heart sinks to my shoes. What? Who is this? How did this happen?

"Drop the charges or we will expose you"

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