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I thought about this for a very long time. I was scared to tell them the whole truth in the beginning. But they need to know. Not only Yoongi but all of them. They have been asking me about my bruises and why i was feeling so down all the time.

They even asked me if Yoongi did it, because i was not even answering their questions with lies anymore. I was just straight up silent. Always frozen when they asked me something.

I tried to switch off my emotions, heck i even tried to convince myself that it was normal and okay what Chen did to me. That's how desperate i was to try and forget about it all. But luckly as time went by i choose for myself.

I spoke up, even when nobody believed me. My throat feels like sandpaper "Uhm well i had a fight with one of the doctors" I put down my chopsticks. "Why did you fight with him? Was he being a jerk to you?" Jungkook asked. "Well he was a monster to be exact".

There was a strong tention in the room. Yoongi gave me a side look "What did he do Maryam, Tell me now" His voice became a bit louder at the end. I was taken back a bit "He has sexually harassed me mutliple times" Yoongi dropped his chopsticks on the table.

"He has been doing that ever since i started there. But once i was fed up with it i spoke up" I fight back the tears that are forming in my eyes. "I called him out on his shit infront of the entire department but" I clear my throat "Nobody believed me and i was the one who fired myself".

"Was he the person who bruised your wrists" Yoongi asked with out look at me. "Yes, yes he was" "FUCK MARYAM, why didn't you tell me that earlier?! WHY did you keep this silent" Yoongi was angry, i have never seen him like that. His fist hit the table.

"Hyung calm down okay? You are scaring her" Hoseok said. The tears that i was holding back where streaming across my cheeks. Yoongi pushed his chair and walked out of the room. I broke down in tears "I wanted to tell you Yoongi. Please wait" I ran after him. "I wanted to tell you everything but the timing was never right and and i" .

He stopped walking "I didn't want to bother you, you had your own stuff" . "Like what Maryam, tell me what is more important to me then you are?" Yoongi held my shoulders. "You where working on your songs and and i- i" Everything i held in for the past months came out of me.

My whole body was shaking, i dropped to the floor almost having a panic attack. Yoongi immediatly pulled me in a tight hug "Shh Calm down Maryam". He strokes my hair "Please don't be mad that i didn't tell you" I said while sniffing. "I will never be mad at you". My tears where slowly drying up. "I feel so discussing" I sighed.

Yoongi turned me to face him "Listen closely, what ever that monster did or said to you, never let it take away your value as a person okay? You are a powerfull woman and i love and care about you " He wiped the tears from my face. "So please stop crying you look ugly when you cry" He joked.

I elbowed him "Sorry baby" He quickly said. "But from this day i swear, if anyone at Big Hit or anywhere els tries something i will kill them" His words gave me comfort. Finally someone that supports me. He hugged me again"That monster will pay for this" i snuggled my face into his neck.

"You know that i am taking his ass to court" "Huh really?!" Yoongi looked at me with a proud but confused expression. I explained to him everything i did and about Jihoon helping me. " The fact hat you had to do all of this on your own Maryam." He looked at me with a soft look on his face, he puts one hand on my cheek.

"It's heavy but i will win this trial" I balled my fist in the air "Fighting". We go back to the table to see that the boys already cleaned everything for me. I text them in the groupchat "Thank you guys, excuse my emotional breakdown hehe good night~~" .

"No worries Sis, we all care about you. Let us know if you need anything!!!!"-  Jin texted.
It was already 12 and i still need to take the bus back home. I decided to ask a blunt question to Yoongi who went to brush his teeth in the bathroom. "Yo Yoongs" "What, did you call me?". I snickerd "Yoongi~~" I blinked with my eyes. "You know.. the last bus is gone and its pretty late now".

I wobble on my toes, i fix the buttons of his pj's "Can i sleep with you tonight?"Yoongi choked "UGHU UGHU". "Oh my god are you okay?!" I pat his back. "W-why do you want to stay here?" He wipes his mouth. "I am really tired and i just missed the bus....Yoongi where you even listening?" I slap his arm.  He was shook "I take that as a yes".

I skipped to the guest room "I will sleep here tonight good night baby" I kissed his cheek and went to the room. As i enter the room i talked straight to the mirror and take off my make up and put my hair in a bun. I can't sleep with a ponytail, it hurts soooooo much holy crap.

I had no pj's with me... hmmm i'm gonna rob Yoongi hehe. But he can't see me or he will kill me. I walked to the laundry room and snatch a shirt that i just washed for him. After putting it on i sprayed a bit of perfume on it. I want it to smell nice when i give it back to him and not like death.

I jump into the bed and pull the blankets over me. Ah it's raining but i really home there will be no thunder. Yeah yeah i'm a bit scared, so what...right? It's just a bit of lighting that-that's all. "AHH OH GOSH" The lighting struck and it caught me off guard. I was shaking in my bed, normally i go to my mothers room but she is not here..

After a big debate with myself i walked to Yoongi's room. I put my glasses on and took my blanket with me. I softly knock on his door. After a short minute a sleepy Yoongi opend up. "Maryam, what are you doing baby it's 3 am?" His eyes widend.

"Uh i-i can't sleep because of the thunder..."I said really softly "You what?". "I SAID i can't sleep because of the thunder" i said louder. Yoongi started to laugh and opened the door. I sat on the edge of his bed. A blanket was wrapped around my body "I don't know if i'm hungry but you look like a big burrito" Yoongi said.

I tried to laugh but i was too scared of the thunder striking. "Ah i see what is happening" He stopped laughing "You are scared aren't you?". "Please don't make fun of me i really really hate it" I closed my eyes while my chest was going up and down very quickly. "No no i won't baby i promise" He layed down in his bed.

He pats the place next to him. I slowley lay in the empty spot and stare at the ceiling. The sound of the thunder scared me once again. I jumped without thinking into Yoongi. I burried my face in his chest "Shh shh it's okay babygirl, you are safe"

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