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The movie kept going on and on. I peeked over his shoulder from time to time. Everytime i did i regretted it. After the movie was done i look up to see a amused Yoongi. ''Happy? I won't be able to sleep tonight'' I hit his arm.

He is way too amused ''Sleep here then'' He said with a smirk. I hit him again ''YAH''. ''Hey stop that hurts''He fake cried. I stood up and cleaned the wrappers of the snacks we ate. I suddenly felt two arms around my waist.

''Can i ask you something?"He put his chin on my shoulder. ''Can i call this a date'' My heart felt like it was going to jump out of my chest.  It feels so right even though the fact that i can lose my job over this. But i don't care anymore.

I like him. ''You can call it a date i guess''I said sofly. I put my hands on his. ''Don't worry Maryam no one will know. Just you and me'' We stood like that for a while. ''Yoongi?" ''Hmmm?". I turn my face to look at him.

''I need to go to my house now'' I try to get out of his grip. ''Nooo just sleep here''Yoongi holds my hands. ''Why are you being like this?"I laugh. He stopped whining and looks at me directly in the eyes ''Because i like you'' He said cooly.

''You what wh-''I stood there shocked not knowing what to do. ''You don't have to say anything, i liked you for a while now and i just-'' I silence him with a kiss on the cheek. OMG WHAT DID I JUST DO. ''SORRY I WILL SEE YOU TOMORROW BYE''

I grab my bag and run out of the house. Just run Maryam RUN. I run to the busstop. Luckly there was a bus waiting there for people to get in. I get in and as i sat down i realised what just happend. Did he just confess?

My face is bright red as i think about the kiss i gave him. I haven't been this happy since i came here. The intire ride home was just a blurr. I got off the bus at my stop and walked back home. I took off my shoes and walked straight to the shower.

I quickly showerd and jumped into my bed. As i layed down i got a notification. ''Hope you got home safely. Good luck tomorrow at your internship. Sleep well''.I felt butterflies in my stomach. I texted back ''I did, thank you. I had some fun today after a long time. Good night''

I pressed send and set my alarm for tomorrow. I haven't felt this good in a while. I fall a sleep very quickly. Hope that i will feel the same tomorrow. I haven't been this happy in a long time.


We are watching a horrow movie. Maryam hates it. Taehyung said that i should watch a horror movie with her. He knows everything by the way. He helped me out to set this all up. I even cleaned my studio for her. I fell all of a sudden a hand holding mine.

I look down to see a small hand holding mine tightly. I felt something weird in my stomach. She hid behind me the intire movie. I felt a bit bad but i did it as a move to get closer to her. Her scent, she smells sweet and fresh at the same time.

I feel her hair tickeling my neck. After the movie is over i look at her with a big smile. ''Happy? I won't be able to sleep tonight''. I feel a bit bad after hearing that but i soon didn't anymore. That little devil hit my arm.

She kept hitting me after i suggested that she could sleep here. ''YAH''. She was cleaning up the wrappers. I took my chance and hugged her from the back. I put my chin on her shoulder. I inhaled her scent.

''Can i ask you something? Can i call this a date'' I tried to say as cool as possible. Her big brown eyes became even bigger after i asked that question. She turned around but i still held her hand. She all of a sudden spoke up.

''You can call it a date i guess''She said sofly. She put her hands on mine. I never thought a girl would have such a  affect on me. ''Don't worry Maryam no one will know. Just you and me'' We stood like that for a while. ''Yoongi?" ''Hmmm?".

Please don't say that you have to go. ''I need to go to my house now'' ''Nooo just sleep here'. I held her hands. ''Why are you being like this?"she laughed. When she said those words i stopped whining. ''Because i like you'' . ''You what wh-'' She stood there shocked.

Fuck, i fucked this all up. Our friendship is over ''You don't have to say anything, i liked you for a while now and i just-'' I get cut off by Maryam kissing my cheek.

Before i could even do anything or even move she apologised and ran out of the studio. I held my cheek in awe staring at the door where she walked out off.

I sat down on the couch. As i realised what happend i kicked my feet in the air. Does this mean that she likes me too? I'm going crazy. I hold my head. Maryam look what you made me become.

I walk back to my room half dreaming. As i walk i to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I notice something on my cheek. It was her liptint that left a bit of a stain on my cheek.

I bite my lip as i see the faint mark. I try to wash it off a bit so that i won't get in any trouble. After i brushed my teeth i walk over to my desk. I grab my notes and write some lyrics down again.

"I don't have it, only you have it.
Is that why it's so hard?
I wanna die falling for you.
I wanna die locked in you.
You are my lake"

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