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I followed Yoongi with the plates. Keeping a safe distence so that they won't know that we were together. I serve the plates while concealing my pain.

The boys where arguing again. "Maryam, what did you prepare today for us?" Namjoon said as a sign for the rest to calm down. I presented the plates.

"May i present you to a Moroccan specialty, chicken tajine" i dramaticly present the plate. I got a few laughes and a few interessted faces. I explained what the ingredients are and how to eat it.

"Uhm Maryam not to be that person again, but i really don't like carrots" Jimin gave me a soft look. "That's why i have this for you" i gave him a plate with tajine without the carrots in it.

"You know that you're awesome right?" Jimin gave me a fist bumb. "No but now i do" i smiled. They all ate, as i wanted to walk back i felt Yoongi softly tugging my shirt.

I forgot about the promise hehe.. i sat with them at the table. "Nice to have you here with us Maryam. You treat us so well" Hoseok gave me finger hearts.

I was seated next to Jungkook and Jimin. Jimin struggled with the bread "Jimin, look you need to put the bread here and then scoop the food like this" i demonstrated.

After a few tries he did it right "This reminds me of when we where eating korean food and you didn't know how to eat with chopsticks" Jimin giggled.

We had a good laugh while eating. After everyone was done i cleaned up. I was busy in the kitchen when the 7 boys walked in like minions.

"Maryam we are here to help you" Jin said. "Noo i'm fine guys go sleep you need to wake up early tomorrow" i push them out, but they revused. "I have the day off tomorrow so i can do this you guys".

They all grabbed something to clean. So cute to see them try and help. We were done very quickly "You guys are the best" i high fived them. "Now go home Maryam, it's late" Jungkook said.

I waved them goodbye and walked to the door. I grabbed my stuff and walked to the busstop. Gosh i miss my car. Once home i took some pain killers but they were not working.

How am i going to meet up with Yoongi like this. I was debating on wether i should call it off or not. I recive a text from Yoongi. "I'm standing outside".

I look down at my outfit, i was wearing a big hoody with glasses and my hair in a bun. I quickly try to make myself look decent.

I open the door to see Yoongi dressed in baggy jeans with a black shirt and a long black coat with a baseball hat and mask.

"Hi there" i wave at him with a hesitant smile. "Come in" He walks into my small appartment "It's nothing compared to your place but this is where i live".

He looks around "You're not dressed yet?" He tilted his head. "I am actually uuh i'm" "You are not feeling well right?" He puts his hand on my forehead.

My body froze at his touch "I knew it" he makes me sit done on the couch. "Do you have the flu?" He asks with a concerned face. "No it's you know... lady things" Ugh.

"Sorry i made you come all the way here" I look at the floor. "No don't be, now i can take care of you, let's have our date here" Yoongi sat down next to me.

"For real?" I looked at Yoongi with one raised eyebrow. He nodded "Yep, i am going to run to the store to grab some stuff for you okay, and don't you dare say no"

Before i could even say anything or even think he was already out of the door. Shit i need pads. Should i ask him? Fuck it. I send a picture of the pads i always use.

"Yoongi sorry to bother you but can you bring me these? I really need them..." i sent the text. I put my phone down and walked to the kitchen. Yoongi was still at the store.

"Be there in 10 minutes princess" this smooth boy. We are not dating yet but we act like we are. I prepare a hot cup of tea for us and some cookies i baked. As i pour the water in the mugs i hear the doorbell ring.

"I got you 2 packs because i didn't know if one would be enough" Yoongi put down a bag filled with stuff. There where vitamines, heat patches, pads and snacks.

I hug Yoongi like koala "You are the best". He brushed my hair with his hand "Let's sit down" i pulled him to the couch. We sat down and a gave him his mug.

We talked about everything and anything. His music, my work, future plans and alot of funny things. We all of a sudden ended up talking about make up.

"Let me do your make up" Yoongi said randomly "I always get it done and i want to try and put make up on someone else" He looks at me with puppy eyes. "Pleaseee" i gave in.

I grabbed my make up bag and gave it to him "Please make me pretty and not look like a total monster". He laughed as he started to apply the products to my face.

Every touch sent fire into my body. As he was applying lipstick i couldn't breath. My heart stopped beating, my cheeks where flushed red.

He was so focused on my lips while he was applying the lipstick. "This colour really suits you" He lookes at my face "And now you can look". I turned around to see that i look pretty good.

I gave him a kiss on the cheek, my lipstick left a big mark on it. "You caught me off guard there" Yoongi's face flushed. I kissed his other cheek too. "Now you have lipstick on your cheeks" i laughed.

I grabbed a make up wipe and cleaned if off for him. I held one cheek with my hand and with the other i cleaned. I stared into his deep brown eyes.

There is much that i don't know about those eyes yet. I ran my hair through his hair. "Thank you for coming over Yoongi. I was feeling very bad". He pulled me closer "You're welcome princess".

We gazed into eachothers eyes for a long time. He has a freckel right under his eye. I leaned forward for a bit. Yoongi did the same. Our faces where a few inches away from eachother.

I all of a sudden felt his warm and soft lips on mine. I was shocked but i kissed him back right away. My body felt like it was floating. My knees got weak and my arms felt like jelly.

After a bit we broke the kiss. My face is flushed.  "We should do that a bit more often" He scratched his neck. "Uh yeah hehe totally" i said trying to be smooth.

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