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"I had a lot of fun yesterday!" I enter the studio and sit down on the couch. He has been here all day. I can tell by the amount of snack wrappers and notes on the floor.

"Yoongi?" I get a low hmm back. His eyes where fixed on his screen again. "Yoooooongi hello?" I walk to his desk to see what he was doing. I tapped his shoulder, no response.

I got the clue and just sat down next to him and watched him work. He was wearing that bracelet again that i like again. I trace it with my finger again, trying to get his attention.

Nothing seems to work. Ugh i thought he called me over for something important, but here i am trying to get his attention when he was the one who asked ME to come over.

I stop tracing the bracelet. As i want to grab my phone, Yoongi pulls my hand back and holds it. My heart flutters because of this small gesture. He called me over to keep him company. I get it now.

I play with his fingers "Why did you call me over?" I almost whisper. "I don't know actually, i just needed you here" His eyes where still fixed on the screen.

Hmm, let me test him "Well if you are only going to work i will go check on the soup" I try to stand up.  Yoongi grabs my wrist k-drama style.

Aah oh my god that hurst. That bastart of a doctor bruised my wrists. I try not to show my pain. There is no need to bother Yoongi with my bullshit. "Maryam wait please" He turned me to face him.

"I called you over to ask you something i uh-"He runs his hand through his hair. So cute. "I wanted to ask if you wanted to go on a date with me tomorrow night" He ratteld. My heart is doing jumping jacks.

"Like i understand if you don't want to and if you think it is too soon" "Aaa- Of course i want to go on a date with you" i quickly said. His eyes lit up. He hugged me tightly. "Just wear something casual i'm going to pick you up at your place" he said in my ear.

I nodded. ''I need to go prepare dinner, have you eaten anything today?" I look at him with one raised eyebrow. ''He he no i have not'' He tries to avoid my eyes. ''Why?" I ask with a stict voice. ''I was working all day''.

''Work does not come before your health Yoongi. I know that you want everything to be perfect but please don't overwork yourself.''I grab his hand and look at his nails. ''I got you the nailpolish'' I grab the bottle and put it in his hands.

''I hope it works'' I look down at  my shoes ''I totally sound like a nagging mom right now sorry haha'' I laugh nervously. ''I just care about you that's all, but uuh i am going to perpare dinner, see you in a bit'' I rattle.

I walk in a fast pace to the door, MY SOUP IS BURNING. ''Maryam you forgot something'' Yoongi called after me. ''Huh what did i forget?" I have my phone, i didn't bring my bag with me or anything. I look at him with a confused face.

He points at his cheek with his finger ''Ahhhh i get it''. Yoongi looks at me with a smirk. I take the opportunity and give him a very nice and tender... slap on his cheek. Not to powerfull but just anough to leave him puzzled.

''Hey come back here'' Yoongi tries to run after me but his grandpa speed ain't helping him. I quickly run out and walk to the kitchen. Yoongi gave up the minute i was out of the studio. He he i won. My soup was luckly not burned.

Taehyung walked into the kitchen ''Heeeeeeeey''He put his elbow on the kitchen, trying to act smooth. ''What do you want Tae''I say without looking up from my work. "Did anyone  particular, say a certain thing to you?'' I give him a side eye.

His boxy smile takes over half of his face ''Yes someone did yeah'' I put the soup into bowls and the side dishes in smaller plates. ''Is his name by any chance.... Yoongi maybe?'' My face flushed. ''SSST'' I try to shut him up again.

''FINALLY he said it'' I look at Taehyung who is being very exicted. ''What do you mean finally?''. ''He was going on and on about you ever since he spoke with you alone for the first time, so when you said that you liked him i shot my bow and here you are'' Taehyung shot a imaginary bow.

''Did you tell him that i liked him?" I said with a raised voice. ''No no no chill, i just gave him the courage to ask you out'' He raised his hands in the air. ''Nevermind, it all worked out. We are going on a date tomorrow so'' I smile to myself. ''That is awsome! Where are you guys going?"

''I have no clue he said wear something casual and that's all, but Tae i would love to talk with you for a bit longer but i have to serve dinner. Go take a seat with the rest sweetheart'' He flashes me a smile and walks back ''GO GET HIM GIRL'' He shouts very loudly.

I serve dinner to the boys. Yoongi finally joined the rest. ''Delecious as always Maryam'' Jimin said with a wink. Namjoon smacked him on his head again. ''I WAS TALKING ABOUT THE FOOD'' . ''You always get hit by Namjoon'' I piont at the tall leader.

''He is just a bit of a casanova and he needs to learn some manners that's all''He grabs Jimin by the neck and gives me a forced smile. I can't help then just to smile at the them. ''The man that is going to date you or even marry you is going to be VERY lucky'' Taehyung says in a exacurated way.

I curse at him under my breath. ''Oh yeah that's right Maryam, still no one that caught your eye?" Jin Asked. I look at Yoongi but look away very quickly ''Hmm no not really'' I lie. ''Yo what did you do with your wrist Maryam?" Jungkook looks at my wrist.

Shit. I see Yoongi looking at me waiting for a answer. ''Uh nothing i just had a patient today that was very scared when my colleague had to give her a injection. I offerd her my hand but she held my wrist. She squeezed a bit too hard so yeah'' I play with my fingers.

Yoongi is still not buying it but he doesn't say anything. ''Ahh okay okay'' Jungkook ate his soup. I walked back to the kitchen and i am praying for Yoongi not to walk in. I prepared fruit as a desert today. When that is done i clean the table and serve them the fruit.  As i put down the plates i feel a aching pain in my stomache.

Ugh Period cramps are here again. Yeey.... After the boys where done eating they went back to there rooms. I walked to the door and put on my jacket. ''Maryam"I hear behind me, i turn around to see Yoongi. ''I will see you tomorrow, take care of yourself'' He looks at my wrist again.

''If anything is going on, please tell me okay'' He looks up after saying that. I nod ''Don't worry i will okay?'' I wave at him as i walk away. ''Oh Yoongi by the way'' I turn around ''Please go to sleep now, you worked hard today. I'm proud of you'' I wave like a litte child.

''Byeeeeee'' I got a chuckle from the ice prince. He waved back ''Okay i will. Go, your bus is leaving'' He pionts at the bus stop. I look to see indeed my bus almost leaving. I Usain Bolted to the bus stop after waving him good bye.

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