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After the two stopped fighting Maryam got back to preparing a smoothie. Not sure who she was preparing it for. She was super focused on cutting the fruits and making sure she removed all the bruised parts.

The hoodie she was wearing was very big so she had to roll up the sleeves. But they kept on rolling down so Maryam was fighting to keep rolled up. Her hair was tied in a big bun that was slowly slipping sideways.

There where a few curls that managed to pop out of her bun. Her frame looked small because of my hoodie. But s-line body is still visible.  I slapped my face after i caught myself staring at her butt. Maryam looks so small, but when she opens het mouth whew. She can roast the living shit out of people

I like that tho. I just want to roll her up in a blanket and keep her safe, but also rap battle here you know? Wait that is weird nevermind. She would have no chance in winning tho. "Baby come here and eat atleast something?"I whined. I didn't give a shit that all 6 of the members where sitting with me at the table, she is my girlfriend and i can give her cheesy nicknames so what? "Baby come hereee" Jimin mocked. Him and Taehyun laughed their asses off.

"Almost donee" Her voice sounded tiny. Everyday i feel myself craving her company even more then the day before. Maryam slowly waddles with a tall glass to the table, trying not to spill anything on the floor. "Here you go" She puts the glass infront of me, i give her a confused look.

"But i didn't ask you to make me a smoothie " I stirr the drink with the straw. "That is because I wanted to make it for you" Maryam smiled. She was glowing and had a big smile on her face. As if a little kid was showing their drawing to their parents. I gave her a kiss on her cheek "EWWWW HYUNG" Jungkook screamed. He made this weird crackhead movement with his body.

Maryam was blushing like crazy. She slapped the back of Jungkook his head "How are we the same age" she let out a big sigh.  She looked around to see if anybody needed any thing and kept walking back to the kitchen.

"Maryam sit down now okay" I pulled her down to her seat. "But-" She tried to stand up again but i pull her back down. ''No butts'' Jungkook giggled. ''Hi hi he said butts''. That comment made Taehyung spit his milk out. ''HOW OLD ARE YOU GUYS'' Maryam gave them a double headslap. Her hands are small, but deadly. She left them scratching the back of their heads.

"Maryam had a obsession with the back of our heads i think" Namjoon said "Yeah if she keeps slapping us  we might get a bald spot there" Hoseok touched his head.

*Maryam POV*
I have a apointment with Jihoon today and with my mentor at school. I quickly ate some pancakes ''Guys i am going to change my clothing, i have a few apointments that i need to go to''.

I ran off to the bathroom and put on the same outfit as yesterday. I really need to go home and grab some clothing but that is not important today.

Yesterday night was a tough night for me and it was not only because of the storm...

*Flashback: yesterday night*

In the middle of almost having a panic attack from the storm i recieve a text from Jihoon. ''Yuri wants to meet up with you''. I drop my phone because of the text. I felt happy and scared at the same time.

Scared to hear what he has done to her and Park So Young. Scared to remember what he did to me, eventhough i remember it very very clearly and relive it everyday.

I text Jihoon back and suggest to meet up at the same place as the last time. Damn it this storm is only getting worse and it looks like it not going to stop. After a long debate with myself i go to Yoongi's room.

*End of flashback*

I stand infront of the coffee place. I stare at the glass door, pfff okay Maryam you can do this. I tried to cheer myself up. In the corner of my eye i can see Yuri and Jihoon sitting at a table chatting.

They seem to have a good and happy conversation. The idea that when i walk in and we start the convertation about the actual reason why we are there gives me goosebumps. They seem to have fun together.

I walk in and the bell above the door makes a ringing sound ''Welcome'' the employee greets me. I greet her and walk to the table with Jihoon and Yuri.

''Hey Maryam come, sit down'' Jihoon pulls back a seat for me. ''Hey guys, oh thank you Jihoon'' I sit down and look over at Yuri to greet her.

''Hi i never really got the chance to introduce myself to you, my name is Maryam it's nice to meet you Yuri'' I shake her hand, trying to make the situation comfortable for her. She smiles back at me ''Nice to meet you Maryam''.

''I ordered you a cup of moroccan mint tea, i thought you would like it because you know... Morocco'' Jihoon said with a shy smile. ''Awh that is very thoughtfull of you, thank you! I do miss it alot.''

I take the cup from him ''Oh so you are from Morocco?'' Yuri asked. ''Yeah both of my parents are from morocco, but i myself am born in the Netherlands.'' I said while taking a sip from the tea.

The taste was different, but it still felt like home. It gave me a bit of comfort. Jihoon hands a cup to Yuri and grabs his own. He clears his throat ''hm okay now the reason why we came here..''

I took a deep breath in. 

''It is time for me to share my story with the world''

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