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I call the manager to come and get there boys out of here. I hail a taxi for me and Maryam. She is fast a sleep, this girl is a heavy sleeper. I drag her with me to the taxi. It's way too late to send her home now.

It's friday so she has the day of tomorrow. I tell the address to the driver who then heads to our house. ''Maryam wake up, we're here'' She mumbled something and walkes to the door with me.

She wobbles like a drunk person to the door, i try to catch her ''Ho ho carefull''. Maryam takes off her shoes and jacket and throws them on the floor. She walks to the guest bedroom and let's herself fall on the bed.

She instantly falls asleep. I pull a blanket over her and she instantly snuggels it. Her mouth was a little open so her hair got in her mouth. I tried to get them out of her face. She shifted sleeping possition so i froze. ''Please just stop'' She mumbled.

I stood their frozen as i thought she was talking to me ''It burns mommy'' Sweat started to form on her forehead. Maryam stared to squint her eyes. She shook her head and shot up. She was panting as if she ran a marathon.

''Are you okay?'' I asked her. Poor thing,what did she dream about to have her wake up like this. I run to the kitchen to get her a glass of water. ''Here drink this and try to calm down a bit''I pat her back. She let's out a big sigh.

''It has been a year since it happend'' Maryam all of a sudden says. ''I don't want anybody else to know about this okay?" She looks at me with a sad expression. ''Promise?"She put her small pinky in the air ''I promise you that'' I pinky promise her.



June 13, 2018

It was a hot sumer day. I was wearing a dress with short sleeves and had my hair down. I was on my way to the mall to meet up with some classmates. I walk towards the group of people that where standing at the entrance.

As i arrived i saw that they where laughing and giggling but as i came closer they all stopped. Hm must be nothing right? I shrug it off and walk over to them ''Hey guys'' I wave at them.

''Oh my gosh she speaks dutch'' One girl says. ''Yeah well ofcourse, i'm born here'' I say trying to smile. ''So uhm what are we going to do?" A girl said, Angelica was her name. She was in the same year as me.

I never really talked to her, she is pretty populair at school. She always shops at high and places and she always follow the latest fashion trends. Angelica is that type of girl you would see in those movies.

''Let's go to Mac Donalds'' a tall boy said. I look at him, Mark... I kind of have crush on him ever since we worked together on a science project. He was always nice to me and we talked alot during class.

''Hey Mark'' I wave at him. Angelica noticed it and she snaked her arm around his waist. He looked at me and then ignored me. When i saw her hand my heart dropped. What was i even thinking, i could never date a guy like that.

I shook it off for now and walked with them to get some food. I heard some whispers behind me ''Look at her skin, ugh so dark. Looks like she swims in mud hahaha''. I look at my arms and look at the rest of the people.

''What's wrong with it then?'''The girls stopped walking and turned around. ''Oh nothing'' One of them says. ''At least i don't look like a bottle of milk'' I say under my breath. As we reach the table we start eating.

Everybody is chatting and having fun. I silently eat my food. Mark doesn't look that amused being here. I try again to talk to him but Angelica all of a sudden shuts him up with a kiss.

Everybody starts whoeing and clapping. I turned to look away from them, i felt my heart chatter. Maryam you are stupid anyways for hoping you would get together with him.

"Hey Maryam'' Angelica all of a sudden says. ''You are so quite, why?''She says in a nice tone. Too nice. ''You know, i have this cream that help with that" she whispered

She pointed at my arm, i was scratching it. I had this dry spot on my arm that was very itchy all the time. "It's a cooling cream and moisturizes the skin" she hands me a blue tube.

I read the label "Oh thank you" i smile at her. "Put it on, so you can stop scratching". I put a bit of the cream on my fingers and massage it into my skin.

Everybody was giggling but stopped when i looked. "Put some here as well" she said. Stupid Maryam. I listen to her and put a bit more on.

My skin started to burn and turn red "aaahh it burns" "Oh that's because you were scratching and then put it on. It has menthol in it" Lair.

My skin started to turn even more red and blisters started to form. I panicked "Angelica what is in this cream?" She was laughing out loud.

"I put chlorine in it with lots of skin whitening cream" She laughed evilly. All her minions were laughing with her. "You fucking bitch" I smack her face as hard as i can, so hard that i saw her botched nose job shift.

"You crazy sand whore" She screams. "WHAT DID YOU SAY HOE" I pull her hair. I look at my hand full of extensions.

"You are just a phony fake ass hoe, everything about you is fake. Watch out or i will poke your silicone tits out" I make a fake stabbing movement.

She was crying and i laughed at how pathetic she looked. "YOU WILL NEVER BE LOVED AND YOU WILL NEVER MAKE IT" She screamed after me.

Angelica threw her shoe after me "Good luck with your burns you camel fucker" I walk past Mark. "And i thought that we where friends, fuck you and that little whore you are fucking with" I flip him off and before he could say anything i walked out.

I run out of the mall and run straight to the hospital. My mom will be so sad if she hears about what happened. I decided not to tell her anything.

In the hospital i walked into the emergency room. I kept myself strong until that very moment that i saw a nurse. When i saw her and  she asked me about what happened i was crying my eyes out.

"Shh sweetheart you are save here now , but goodness you really are a bad ass do you know that?"

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