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Miss Cho looks at Maryam standing infront of me "Ahh i see what is happening here'' She says with a wink. Maryam gave me a confused look. ''You two are dating'' Maryam started to cough. I didn't know what to say.

I just scratched my neck and laughed while Maryam was trying to explain the situation.  ''No no no i-im their housekeeper/maiden, they invited me with them today'' Maryam tries. ''If you says so'' She says with a sneaky smile.

Can't she just say that she is our friend? Atleast to me she is not just a maiden. We walk into the restaurant and sit. The members where giggeling ''Shut up you balerinas''. I should start keeping a book with all her iconic lines.

Miss Cho walks us to a big table. Maryam sits in between Jimin and Namjoon. Across from me and Teahyung.
She handed us the menus and they all started to read them. ''Seaafoodd stew? with gosh i can't read for shit''i hear her whisper. Cute accent.

''Need some help?'' Jimin asked her. Why is he so smooth with her? What is up with all of this flirting? Why does this bother me so much???

'Seafood stew is what this says right?" Jimin looks over her shoulder to help her out. He recommends her something and they start laughing.

''Okay if you say so, i will take that one please'' she handed the menu to the waiter. While the others where talking i noticed that she was looking around the place. There were fairy lights hanged on the walls and candles every where. She gazed around the room.

She is a person who would pay attention to the little things in life. The fairy lights reflected in her big brown eyes. They look like little specks of gold.

''Hanbok''She said softly  ''So pretty'' Just like you. Maryam what are you doing to me?

''I like this place'' She says with a sigh ''So peacefull and warm''. ''That's why we come here often, no one know that we come here. We have been eating here since we where trainees''i said.

She nods in agreement''I will keep this place a absolut secret'' She put one hand in the air. The food arrived. ''And one seafood stew for the lovely lady here'' The waiter said with a wink.

''Uh thank you''Maryam said.  ''Yah Cha Hyungsik,  behave would you?" I snapped at him. Aish stupid kid.

''Poor guy, why are you so mean Yoongi"Maryam kicked me under the table. ''AUW Maryam. He is like that with every girl he sees here''. She folded her arms.

I just wanted to protect you.

''So you're saying that he just says that for shits and giggles'' She narrowed her eyes.

''I felt a bit special for once tsss''. ''No-no i didn't mean to say that you're not specia-''. She put her index finger infront of me  ''Forget it, it's alright''.

She starts eating her stew. After a few spoons i could see her expression change. ''Holy shi- It's so spicy oh my god'' She gulped down her glas of water.

''Here'' i switched my bowl with her. ''Eat this one, it's less spicy'' I said trying to sound as cool as possible . I can't take spicy very well, but i had to help her...

Maryam pickes her phone up after she gets a notification. She started to laugh "Oeps sorry'' . I never heard her laugh like that before, cute

''Who is texting you that you are smiling like that?"Taehyung says with a mouthfull of food "Hmm just a friend''

''Just a friend huh'' Taehyung smirks ''Who's the lucky guy'' He teased her. ''It's the waiter'' She smirks back at him.

I shot up ''Kidding, it's my friend Sarang'' I showed a picture of us together. ''Very pretty'' Jimin said. ''She is yeah'' she put her phone away.

''I was talking about you, but okay she is pretty too'' Jimin said while looking straight into her eyes. Why is Jimin flirting with her? He needs to stop

''WOOP WOOP'' Jungkook yelled. Everybody looked at him ''Playboy alert''. ''What i was just complimenting her'' Jimin tried.

The boys pranked Namjoon with wasabi. Maryam was crying of laughter.

When the situation calmed down they orderd drinks. They orderd soju, Makkoli (rice wine) and beer. ''Here taste this'' Hoseok gave Maryam a bottle of soju with a pink cap.

'' No no thanks i don't drink'' i pointed at the glass of water. He drank one glass and his face turned red in 3 seconds.

Maryam was eating some peanuts when all of a sudden she was choking. She started to panic. Everybody else was just too busy drinking to notice.

She started to cough, grasping for air.  She was  signaling for them to help her, but everybody was tipsy. I ran behind her and started to tap her back.

The peanut finally came out. She fell into my arms. She didn't have any strength. Maryam inhaled very hard. ''Aaah oh my god i almost died'' She looked around for water.

Maryam grabbed a glass and gulped it down. I kept staring at her. She looked up to face me. Our faces where centimeters apart.

My eyes grew bigger''Huck'' She had hiccups. Maryam quickly stood up and jumped out of my arms. Her eyes are a light shade of brown

She smells very nice. Her expression changed ''Ugh it burns'' Maryam looks at the glass that she has in her hands. I took it from her and smelled it ''You just drank a whole glass of Makkoli'' I facepalmed.

''Oh no no no HUCK noo'' She pounded her chest with her fist. ''I am so stupid'' I sat next to her.

The rest of the boys where passed out. ''hehehe'' Maryam giggled stupidly while pointing at Namjoon. ''He looks like a lizard'' Namjoon was sleeping  with his mouth open and his lips pouted.

I started to laugh. "I am so uuugh sleepy'' She yawned while scratching her head. She got tipsy from drinking a tall glass of makkoli. I'm never gonna let her drink again.

She put her head on my shoulder. My whole body froze. Her fluffy curls where tickling my neck.

''You know that you are veeeeery nice'' She says half sleepy. She looked up to me ''Do you know that i can look straight through that cool exterior''.

She points her small finger at me "You are one of the only people that have been nice to me in the beginning, along with the boys and Sarang''

I sincerely smiled for the first time in ages again. She all of a sudden hugged me ''Thank yooouuu''. My heart is going crazy, like it's doing jumping jacks.

She tries to eat some more food but fails. Maryam falls asleep sitting and almost falls over, then wakes up again.

Should i do it?

I put my hand on her cheek and placed her head on my shoulder again. She instantly snuggled against me.

There was a strand of hair in her face, i put it behind her ear. I examen her face. I notice that she has a tiny nose. She smells fresh and sweet at the same time.

What is happening to me?

I grab my phone to write down some lyrics that came into my head:

"But you, that smile is so cruel. I shouldn't have seen that cheek. What's really dangerous, is only in your possession "

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