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We grab a cart and stroll around the store, Yoongi is grabbing snacks like a little kid. Oh my Phone **Text message from Jihoon**. Should i open it ? I don't know i'm scared... Yoongi was still picking snacks. Should i ask him, fuck it. ''Yoongi i got a text from Jihoon'' I say very bluntly. We promised not to keep secrets from eachother so here it is. ''Well what does it say?" He puts some packs of ramen and ricecakes down in the cart.

''Uh not sure hehe, i ugh'' I hand him my Phone with my eyes closed ''i'm scared, here you can read it''. He takes the Phone from my hand and starts reading the text out loud:

''Hi Maryem i wanted to let you know that the prosecuter i put on you case is really making progress and has found very hard facts and proof against doctor Chen. The first part of the trail will be in a few weeks. I will let you know the court date! have a nice evening ! Officer Jihoon''

I let out a sigh of relive, finally justice. I hug Yoongi very hard ''See baby, the universe is on our side now'' He stroked my head. Again i saw those lights in the corner of my eye ''Yoongi i keep seeing something's like a flashlight or something''I point to the windows. He walks over and checks is he can see anything ''Hmm no nothing here, maybe the cars Mary?".

'Did you just called me Mary'' I laughed ''My mom Always calls me that''. He kissed my forehead with his masked moved from his lips a little bit ''Look at all of this'' He ran to the cart and pointed at it. ''These are all korean snacks that you need to try '' I know he is trying to destract me from my overthinking ass.

And it worked ''Okay okay i'm already fat, let's gain even more weight'' I joked. Yoongi's expression changed ''Never say that about yourself again okay, never. You are beautiful the way you are and i don't want you to be so negative about yourself''He lifted my chin up ''Okay?".

''Sir yes sir'' I salute him ''You see, i am a army''. He rolls his eyes ''Yeah... let's just pay for this okay" He pushes the cart to the cash register. I follow him while marchin '''Left, right, Left, right''. I can SEE that he wants to laugh but he is holding it in, pssh.

The cashier says the price.''Card please'' I say. Before i can even grab my card, Yoongi had already payed with cash. ''Have a nice evening miss'' The clerk said in his best english, i replied in korean ''Thank you sir bye''. We walk to the car ''Oeeh my girl is getting better in korean than i am'' He bumped his shoulder against mine.

''Oeeeh my boy has moneyyyy, i need a new Gucci bag pretty please'' I joked . I stuck my tongue out ''Do really you want one?" Yoongi says. I throw the car keys to him. ''Would be nice but no thanks, a bit too expensive. I don't have Gucci money. More like H&M money, now come on let's go'' I get in to the passengers seat. Aux, where are you.... ah here it is. I connect my Phone to the bluetooth. And play my all time fav sing along car song, Let Me Love You by Mario.

I sing along without any shame ''YOU SHOULD LET ME LOVE YOU. LET ME BE THE ONE TO, GIVE YOU EVERYTHING YOU WANT AND NEED''. Yoongi just shakes his head laughing and starts driving. He puts his hand on my thigh and sings along with me in his broken english ''You're a dime plus 99, and it's a shame, don't even know what you're worth''. ''Yes sing it babyyyyyy'' I hyped him up. The whole ride home was like this.

I am so happy, i never felt like this before. We arrived at the house again before i get out Yoongi held my hand ''Hey you can like uh-sleep over if you want..?" ''That was already my plan'' i said with a wink. I quickly ran out of the car because holy shit, that little bit of confidence i had that split second is GONE.

I open the door and walk to the living room ''Hey gu-'' 'SSTT'' Namjoon gestured to Jin his Phone. ''Vlive?'' I mouth, he nods his head, i softly sit on the opposite side of the couch. Jin was filming his eatJin livestream. They ended up cooking the ramen themself because we where away for a bit.

No problems with that at ALL. They where eating all together, how cute. Jungkook filled a bowl and handed it to me in a sneaky way ''Thanks Jk'' i said really softly. All the members where handing me food lowkey so that people who watch the live wouldn't notice it. Hmm wow Jin can really cook! He made this ramen into a amazing dish.

Ahh shit, i start to choke on a noodle. No no no the people who are watching are going to hear me coughing. But holding the cough makes it even worse. I let out one cough and run to the kitchen. UHU UHUU water, i need water. Hoseok covered it by coughing and walking into the view of the camera so they can see it was him who coughed.

WHY do i ALWAYS need to choke on my food? ''Hey are you alright?" it's Jimin. ''Yeah totally'' I wipe the tears that formed on my eyes. My eyes Always get teary when i choke ''Here some water'' He hands me a glass. I thank him and drink the water. ''Wooh okay let's go back'' I walk to the living room followed by Jimin.

I really hope that people didn't notice me. Gosh i am tired. I walk back into the living room, Yoongi offers me food again. I quickly shake my head, oh hell no i ain't going to die for the second time. I grab my phone and send Yoongi a text.

''Let's go to bed'' I texted. He grabs his phone and reads the text. A shy smile appears on his face. ''Uh guys, i think i am going to bed now'' He stretched himself out. I slowly sneak out of the living room and walk to his bedroom.

As i want to open the door Yoongi scoops me up and back hugs me ''I finally get some time with my princess''. He kisses me and then jumped into the bed. I let myself fall onto him. I put my head on his chest. His heartbeat calms me down. ''I actually need to brush my teeth Yoongi and -'' I try to get up but he holds me back.

''I need to tie my hair up as well'' I try to get out of his strong grip but nothing works. He sits up and grabs a hairtie i left in his room once. And ties my hair for me, well he tries.... He really is the cutest ever. I hope we can always stay happy and i love like this.

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