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Dinner was done. All of the boys where in there rooms. I walked passed all the rooms and knocked on them as a sign for them to get their asses to the dinner table. I serve the food and walk back to the kitchen.

Where is Yoongi? I text him "Dinner is ready". "Still working" is his reply. I decide to put some food on two plates and bring it to them. I straighten my skirt and press the door bell.

Suran opens. She looks at me with a expression that said, what do you want? I walked into the studio "Uhm i brought dinner uh Sir". I put it on the table along with some drinks. "Oh thank you it looks very delicious" Suran says.

I smile at her. "Please enjoy it" I walk out of the studio. Before closing the door i hear them laughing and chatting. I'm not jealous, i just want to be alone with him like that too.

I can't wait until the release. It will be released soon i think. The song is almost done. After she went out i walked in to grab the plates. Yoongi was zoned out again. He was super stressed out, he wants this track to be perfect.

This is the first time he is going to be the producer of a track for a artist outside of Bangtan. I put a cup of camomile tea next to him. He finally looks at me.

"Drink this, it helps with stress" I point at the cup. I take a seat next to him. I place my hand on his cheek, caressing his dark circle. "Yoongi why don't you go to sleep for now okay?" I try to convince him.

He looks me dead in the eye, as if i was speaking a different language. "You are doing fine Yoongi, the song is going to top the charts" I smile softly at him. He closes his eyes at my touch.

Yoongi wraps me all of a sudden in a tight, but so sweet hug. "You are the only thing that is keeping my sane in this mess." He holds my waist. "Now turn that computer off and go to bed" I point my finger at the screen.

Yoongi turns the computer off and i drag him to his room. While he brushes his teeth i make his bed and light a scented candle. He lays in his bed, as i want to walk out he pulls my hand. "Please stay with my until i fall asleep".

"Why?" I raised one eyebrow "I am too stressed to sleep and you help me with stress soooo..". I roll my eyes and sit in his hed. He wiggles like little kid and puts his head on my lap. I automatically start to stroke his hair.

"There is this song that i have stuck i my head all day" I start to hum Best part by H.E.R again. I love that song so much. I feel like the reason why i love it so much, is that it literally is my relationship with Yoongi.

"Where you go i follow, no matter how far. If life was a movie then you're the best part" I softly hum. His hair is so soft en fluffy. He is almost a sleep. I softly kiss his cheek, i never felt so happy.

After he fell a sleep i slowly left his room. It was pretty late already. Everyone was sleeping. I went back to my appartment and went to bed as well. Tomorrow i have to face doctor Chen again.

I have a method to secretly film him. I bought a pen with a hidden camera. And i will set up a camera in the nurse post when i'm there. Pfff okay Maryam you can do this.

The fact that i have to prove his actions hurts me. The world is a cruel place, either you fight for your rights or be killed by the privileged.

*the next morning at the hospital*

I turn the pen camera on. Doctor Chen is working today. The words of officer Kim echo in my mind. Later that night i googled about a nurse committing suicide in the hospital. I found a artical on her death.

"24 years old nurse commites suicide in the pharmacy closet of the Cardiology department of Seoul Medical Center. The young nurse mixed medication like oxycodon and morphine to commite suicide. There was a note left that said "Doctors are supposed to save us, not to make us kill ourselfs". The meaning behind this quote is still unknown but there is a team investigating her death."

I need to prove his guilt. At this point i'm not doing this for myself, but for the other victims who are to affraid to speak up. I turn the pen camera on and walk to the nurse post. As i walked to the pantry to make myself a cup of tea.

Doctor Chen opened the door "Good morning sunshine" he said. His awfull breath smelled even worse today. He drank again. As i wanted to turn away he slapped my ass again. Luckly i had the pen in my hand to film it.

How did i know that? Because he has been doing this everyday. I put the pen back in my chest pocket. "If your filthy hands touch me again i will take your ass to court"I hissed at him.

He laughed once again "The court ain't got nothing on me, i am as clean as a motherfucking saint." His eyes went dark. Yes he said it... "That girl that killed herself here" I took one step forward "You have something to do with that right?"

His smile dissappeard "Good guess" My heart dropped even though i already knew it. "You know, she was my favorite toy to play with. Nice ass, cute face big tits"

"You are discusting" He has no respect what so ever. "Buuut she was a little to mouthy and tried to report me. After i heard that i made a little phone call with some friends of mine and got her fired" He has a smirk on his face.

"Poor girl needed money and was depressed so she killed herself" Fucking animal. My blood is boiling. "And i heard that" He walked closed to me. Every step he took forwards, i took one backwards. My back was pinned against the wall.

"That you made that same mistake" I gulped. My body is frozen. My mind is blank. Yoongi please save me.

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