Chapter 5: Harry, meet Voldie

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When Harry woke up, he felt as if he had the best dream ever, of feeling safe and protected, and cared for. Casting a Tempus, he got out of bed yawning, picking up his toiletries and a fresh set of clothes.

He noticed that he was in his pajama pants, which should've made him feel alarmed, but didn't due to the early hours and the fact that he'd just woken up from his sleep. The fact that his dormmates were still asleep was also something he'd be thankful for later, when he was far more awake.

Once he was done, he went into the common room to wait for Hermione, at least, to come down.

"Harry, dearie, Professor Snape wants to see you," a voice said, startling him, not due to the suddenness of her speaking, but the fact that Snape of all people would want to see him. He hoped that it wasn't because he did something bad...

The Fat Lady had already gone from the portrait she used to call him, so he knew that he didn't have much choice over it. Besides, the Fat Lady never lets the Gryffindors get into trouble, and would more than likely protect them from dangerous teachers like Snape, so it must've been important.

He opened the portrait that leads to the Gryffindor common room. "Good morning Professor Snape," Harry said timidly. The potions master seemed to be more frazzled than he usually was, and he didn't know what to think of it.

"Potter," he said curtly. He wondered why he was acting oddly, for Snape that is. The berating he was expecting did not come, however, as the potions master only stared at him with his calculating gaze.

Then he remembered the detention he was supposed to serve the day before. Paling, he hoped against hope that he didn't remember. "Y-yes Professor...?"

"Come," he ordered, turning around and walking with wide strides that Harry had to run just to keep up.


Harry's steps finally caught up to him when the potions master stopped in front of the potions classroom. But that wasn't their destination, it was the office in which the door was connected to the classroom and the professor's private chambers (but no way would Snape want him of all people to know where it was, so here they were.) Snape went straight to his desk, gesturing a nervous Harry to sit in the chair across the desk.

"Do you know why I called you here this early in the morning?" he said, his gaze seemed as if it were trying to freeze up his insides.

"Uh, no, sir."

Snape just stared at him, and Harry truly hoped that he didn't remember his missed detention. Well, that hope seemed so far when the Potions Master looked at him that way...

"Read this," Snape threw him a piece of parchment and he caught it, thanks to his Seeker reflex. Blinking, Harry's eyes landed on the writing within. Maybe his hopes weren't so far after all.

Severus had grumbled all the way to Gryffindor tower, hating the fact that the Dark Lord had written his note in Parselscript. How did he expect him to read it when it's all just a bunch of squiggles? He'd had a restless sleep, and was awoken at two in the morning. Having got nothing to do, he'd gotten ready for the day. As he was exiting his private chambers, he realized that Parselscript was Parseltongue in writing. If that's so, then a Parselmouth should be able to read it, right?

He was betting on the possibility, and so had gone to get Potter, since he was the only one who could talk in Parseltongue. After half an hour of waiting in front of the Fat Lady, Potter had come out. Seems like he's actually an early riser, contrary to many people's beliefs. He contemplated asking Potter whether or not he knew that the Dark Lord could possess him--or that he even knew of his existence within him.

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