Chapter 19: Touch Me

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"Severus! Severus! Come quick, this is an emergency!"

Severus grumbled under his breath, something about people and their lack of time sense. Really, who the hell would call him at 2 AM? Sitting up on his bed, he looked at the open doorway, light spilling from the common room of his chambers. In the middle of it, stood a woman, three inches shorter than him with wild hair and crazed, gray eyes. His breath hitched, thinking that somehow, Bellatrix had gotten into his chambers.

But the woman seemed to be... saner...? And looked less like Bellatrix and Andromeda, but more like... "Sirius?"

"Severus! I lost my--" she stopped short of what could've been a long rant in panic. "You're a girl too?" Severus just smirked in response. "Oh, haha, really funny. This is your prank?"

"You think?"

"How many House Elves had a heart attack when you asked to dose their cooking with your prank potion?" she said sarcastically.

"None," Severus said coolly, leaning onto the headboard of his bed.

"What? I don't believe you," Sirius narrowed his eyes.

"Well, believe me, because I wasn't the one who asked the House Elves."

"You had an accomplice?!"


"No fair!" she pouted, crossing her arms in front of her chest. "No one told me that we can't have accomplices!"

"You didn't ask," Severus just shrugged. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'd like to have some shut-eye before dealing with dunderheads tomorrow." The potions professor just laid back down and closed her eyes. After a moment, she heard the telltale yip of a dog and felt the bed dip, and a furry body pressed against her, its nose firmly lodged between her ample bosom. Severus just rolled her eyes at Sirius' antics, but draped an arm over the canine and pressed it to her firmly.

Their change in relationship had also changed their sleeping arrangements, although Sirius it seems, was still not ready to sleep on the same bed as her in her human form. Once again, the potions professor closed her eyes and sleep came easily this time.

Minerva was a very logical person, at least she thought so. And the other professors agree too, especially Dumbledore. So she didn't understand why everyone was glaring at her for Harry's actions. Hermione, Ron, Fred, George, Ginerva, and almost all the other Gryffindors stood in front of Harry's room, in which she, admittedly, shoved him into the night before. Now it was morning and class was starting within a few hours, and Harry hasn't even gone out of his room yet. No one could open the door, it was warded far too heavily, and if it was Harry who did it, she didn't know how he knew such complex warding spells.

"Mr. Potter, come out of your room this instant," she said sternly, not liking rebellious actions when it troubles the whole dorm. Due to his antics, none of her other lions would go to class. But even though she used her most stern 'teacher voice', there was no answer from the other side. "Mr. Potter," she knocked again on the door. No such luck. "Mr. Potter, if you're going to hole up in there and sulk all day long, then I won't stop you, but if you're stopping your dorm mates from going to class, then this act stops right this instant!"

"Professor!" Hermione said, her tone tried to hide the anger behind the respect she had for her. But it was futile, her anger showed on her face, and her whole body screamed 'anger'. "Please stop it, you're scaring him!"

Minerva looked at her in confusion. Well, him, but her mind had successfully turned him into her and vice versa for the time being. "Ms. Granger, I do not see how I'm scaring him by telling him to get out of his room." Hermione just rolled her eyes.

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