Chapter 50: Not Over Yet

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Tom smiled charmingly at the people in the meeting. "You see, there are some things that we can't do without the help of these creatures," he said calmly. "Most Vampires could become Aurors, as long as they have access to blood banks, and werewolves are only dangerous in the full moon. They're stronger than most people, even with wizards and their feather-light charms and levitation charms, there are just some things that we can't lift no matter what."

"But they're beasts! They're dangerous, and--"

"And Veelas always have the best taste in design. Remember the designer of Ruella? If I'm not mistaken, most of their clothing line was made by a Veela," he pressed, his eyes glinting with passion as he said it. The woman gulped, and he knew that she was reconsidering the bills. Or reconsidering her clothing choice, and she was wearing a beautiful designer dress by Ruella.

"You--you'll undermine the whole of Wizarding World if you change the dynamics like this!" and elderly man--the Hales' family Head, someone whom hated all creatures from both side of magical spectrum.

"If we leave it like this," Tom hissed, "Repressing both Light and Dark Creatures, they will eventually create a rebellion, and this time it'd be worse than the last war." His eyes flashed red for a second before he managed to control his emotions. Thankfully, not many saw it, and even if they did, they'd think that it was the trick of light.

"They're beasts! They need to be controlled!" someone objected. Tom raised an eyebrow.

"Do you think wizards should be controlled? Muggles should be controlled? Muggleborns or Muggle-raised should be controlled? I think not," Tom said coolly. "You can't deny the fact that even if they're currently beasts, sometime in the past, deep down inside, they were also humans, just like us. If we continue on what we're doing to them--giving them so many limitations that they're just barely surviving, they can't even buy basic healing potions, much less--let's say, for werewolves, the Wolvesbane."

"One day, if we keep up this kind of attitude, the beasts wouldn't be them, but it'd be us," Arthur Weasley said quietly, to which Tom nodded. A few spluttered at his words, but most contemplated it and nodded in agreement.

"I support this bill," Madame Longbottom said, the first time she'd uttered anything ever since the meeting started.

"I support it too," the Weasley patriarch agreed. A few other murmured in agreement.

"I object! This bill is a waste of time, and will undermine our superiority as Wizards and Witches!" someone shouted vehemently, but many were already signing their agreement on the bill.

"How many agreement signatures do we need for this to pass?" Arthur asked.

"Since there are 48 people in attendance... at least we'd need 30," Tom murmured back. A while later, the documents disappeared and with a simple spell, the observer of the meeting counted the agreement signatures.

"There are 34 people out of the 48 in attendance who agreed to this bill, and so, it shall be passed. So mote it be."

The cries of outrage was silenced immediately by a wave of magic that passed over them, signalling that said bill was in effect.

"It's great to be doing something good for people like Remus, to be honest," Arthur said with a relieved sigh. "Thank you for your help, Thomas, or else we wouldn't have been able to convince as many people to sign the bill."

"No need to thank me," Tom shrugged. "It's just... it's something that I've been wanting to do for a long while."

"You mean, including the proposal to open up a magical orphanage?"

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