Chapter 41: Inner Monsters

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Tom opened his eyes and groaned. He hated nights like this. Nights were his delectable Harry would star his dreams and do sinfully wicked things with just a smile--those warm, warm lips on his own, bright green eyes glazed over in pleasure, his hands wandering all over his body, knowing where all his sensitive spots are, the coy smile when he got his way, his warmth surrounding his--

Stop it!

He couldn't catch his breath, he was just so, so hard, and he knew he wouldn't last until Harry's 17th birthday, when he'll be a legal adult in the eyes of the Wizarding World, and would be able to consent to his wants and needs, thus nullifying the Chastity Curse Sirius had cast upon him. Well, the Blue-Balls Curse to him, he thought grumpily. It was why he decided to take on a Ministry-related overseas job, which ended just in time for Harry's Yule Ball.

Oh, when he'd seen him, he was far, far too irresistible. He couldn't help rubbing his small back, his large hands roaming not getting noticed by Harry. It was a hellish delight. The sight of him with warm cheeks and wide, bright eyes was just too much, and he would've came right then and there--had it not been for that blasted curse!

He sighed as he took a cold, cold shower to take off the edge form his erection, luckily it wasn't too long before it was soft once again... well, as soft as it could go. He found that after getting the curse, each and every day he had a wet dream, it'd stay just a little bit harder, and now half-hard was its' softest state. He'd gotten used to it by now, and wished that the wet dreams would stop coming, but alas, it was not meant to be.

His creature side has been acting up and it wanted--needed--Harry. Which was why he was having those dreams in the first place.

An owl swooped in, just as he dressed in his casual clothing, getting ready to face the day working at home.

Yes, a home, and it was not Riddle Manor. He'd built a house on a hill, near the sea, in preparation for Harry's dowry. It was small, with a living room, huge kitchen--knowing of Harry's love for cooking--five bedrooms, not including the master bedroom of course, six bathrooms, one huge playroom for when their children arrive, two dining rooms, one for formal occasions, while the other for casual dining, and a storage room.

Not to mention the garden outside that he had intended for Harry's perusal.

He also had one house-elf, one he gave a room for in a separate house altogether, which was fine since he only came to clean the house and make him food when he's there.

So yeah, it was a small house.

Tom picked up the letter the owl had in its' talons and gave it a treat before sending it off. The letter had a ministry seal, and after opening it, he groaned, knowing that he just had to go. Fate is such a tease...

To Thomas Eoin Marvolo,

You have been invited to the Third Task, which will be held on the 24th of June. You are required to attend as a spectator, as you'd proven yourself a diligent, devoted worker or the Ministry of Magic. Attached to this is a Portkey that will transport you to Hogwarts gate at 7 AM on the day of the Trial.

Thank you for your cooperation.


Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge

Ginny didn't understand why everyone was looking at her that way. It was odd, and even her friends who had hung out with her before would avoid her like a plague. It didn't matter, though, she'll be with her Harry in no time at all!

She'd taken to stalking her Harry everywhere, while also trying to find out what the Third Task was. No such luck, though. Even her Harry was looking at her with fear in his eyes--it was as if... as if she was a worse monster than Voldemort! She scowled at the thought--she was no monster! She was the future Lady Potter! She would definitely never become a monster-ever!

But with everyone looking at her like that... She was convinced that everyone was convinced that she was a monster. And she knew exactly who was spreading such rumors about her...

Her Harry's secret lover.

Whoever it was, she will not forgive them, and they will never be forgiven...

That night, Harry felt a little bit unsettled. He'd laid down on his bed earlier than usual, but the feeling that he was being watched was making it very difficult for him to sleep. Now, he listened to his roommates' snores as he tried in vain to rest his body and mind. He sighed and turned to get into a more comfortable position, but gave up when he felt as if he was just too tired to move.

He closed his eyes and thought about what both Anna and Aleron had told him, seeing as they'd decided that he should know about the Third Task.

"It's a Battle Arena, with one of the monsters holding the Cup every five minutes," Anna told him with a serious expression.

"Excuse me?" Harry asked, confused.

"We'd just been informed of our next Task," Aleron said. "It's some sort of Battle Arena, where we will have to fight together with a partner, one who is not a Champion, but we trust implicitly."

"Monsters will come in every time we defeated one, and when an hour has passed."

"When we enter the battlefield, there'll be at least 10 monsters in the Arena, and one of them will be holding the Cup for five minutes. The next five minutes, it'll be held by another monster, and so on."

"Whoever has the Cup first will be the winner, and if you or your partner is knocked out cold, you will immediately fail the Task, thus not able to become the winner," Anna finished. "We're worried, after seeing Ms. Weasley's Dream Trial... She may just do anything in her power to make you participate with her."

"I understand," Harry nodded. "I'll be vigilant."

"Stay safe," Aleron nodded at him, his gesture mirrored by Anna. They then parted ways, towards their respective classes.

Harry's eyes flew open--he didn't realize that he was sleeping until his harsh breaths reached his ears. He looked around, fumbling to see what awakened him, but he couldn't see anything. Where were his glasses? His wand! He needed his wand, under his pillow--but his arms wouldn't move. Now that he noticed, his whole body felt heavy, as if something was on top of him.

He tried to scream, wake up Dean, or... or Seamus, as they were lighter sleepers than Ron and Neville, but no sound could come out of his throat. He'd been Silenced.

His mouth was then pried open, and something went in. He tried to cough it up, but a hand massaged his throat, and he reflexively swallowed.

The last thing he saw before his mind became dull, fogged, was the silhouette of someone on top of him. Their whole body was a mass of shadows, except for the gleam of teeth.

The monster from Ginny's Dream Task had appeared, and they were grinning.

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