Chapter 22: Full Moon

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"Bloody hell, Severus, are you mad?!" Sirius said, fear evident in his eyes, yet his cheeks were flushed with excitement.

"Took faster than I thought to arrive here, to be honest," Severus observed. He sneered in distaste at the building that was practically falling apart that was usually called the Shrieking Shack. "Seems like he's not here yet, come on."

"What, why?" Sirius asked as he followed Severus inside the building.

"Do you need to ask?" he raised an eyebrow at the animagus.

"Of course! We're just here to accompany Remus, right?" Sirius watched as Severus flicked his wand a few times to get rid of the filth that had accumulated inside the building through the years and expanded and practically renovated the room into same place cozy.

"Didn't you say it yourself," Severus drawled as he conjured a makeshift bed out of animal pelts, "that each time the wolf would transform, he'd always want to have a knotting session with you?"

"Yeah, well, but..."

"So I'm here," Severus said, forcefully pushing the dog animagus down onto the pile of fur. He then purred seductively right into his ear, "To help you prepare for that session."

"I told you I'm not ready to take the next step with you yet!" Sirius yelped. He didn't know when Severus did it, but from the cold air, he could tell that his clothes had disappeared.

"We're not taking the next step yet," Severus said off-handedly as he fished out two vials from an inside pocket of his robe. "Not between the two of us."

"Came prepared, didn't you?" Sirius glared at the potions master, who just smirked in triumph at the pinned down animagus.

"Of course I did. Otherwise I'd be a terrible mate, now wouldn't I?"

"Then I suggest you take off your clothes, all of it," Sirius challenged.

"Is that a suggestion or a challenge?" Severus drawled as he complied. Now that they were completely naked, Severus straddled Sirius' waist, his flaccid member starting to rouse.

"What did you think it was?" Sirius smirked, his eyes following Severus' hand as he opened one of the vials and dipped his fingers inside.

"I don't know, though I do so love challenges."

"Hm, though I did say that I suggested you to do something."

The two shared an amused look between themselves before Severus decided to crawl back, situating himself between Sirius' parted legs. As his fingers penetrated Sirius' entrance, Severus brought up his dark gaze, filled with restrained lust, to meet Sirius' expectant grey ones. "How many fingers should I fit?"

"Around three or four, but four just to be safe," Sirius said, the familiar feeling of being prepared making his member twitch.

"Four it is, then," Severus nodded, and they were silent for a while. Sirius watched the normally stoic face of the potions master, and found that he quite enjoyed watching the different emotions that flickered on his face. But after a while, it was getting boring, so the Black Lord reached up for the lube Severus brought, the unopened one, and coated his fingers with it.

"Hey, Sev," he said, earning a distracted answer from said man. He was amused that even with preparing his entrance, Severus was as focused as ever. "I've got an idea."

"What is it?"

"Just get up here," Sirius grinned, earning a sigh from Severus.

"For your information, I've only got two fingers in," he glared. At Sirius' grin, Severus became a little bit wary, but still complied to his request. Once they were face-to-face, Sirius immediately wound an arm around him, earning a confused look, and his lube-coated hand reached for the other's back side. "Wait a second, what are you doing?!"

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