Chapter 45: Decisions, Decisions

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"You will be sentenced to 15 years of Azkaban, followed immediately by going through the Veil once released, and a fine of one million galleons to one Harry Potter," the judge's hammer went down, and the sound of wood hitting wood rang through the court room, deafening in its' silence. Everyone sighed in relief, even as Ginny raged about how unfair it was, that Harry was her and even in death she will always be with him.

Her words sent ominous chills through everyone present, but everyone knew that once you go through the Veil, your soul will stay there with little hope of reincarnation. Tom expected nothing less.

But now... Now he needed to know where his Harry was taken to, and remembering that it was another version of him--the snake-like persona whom he called 'Lord Voldemort'--he knew exactly where he'd bring Harry. It'd be the first place he'll search, and after that, a few other places. If he didn't find Harry by the end of the day, he'd rip night away like it was old paper and make the day stay.

He strode out of the courtroom with billowing robes, a skill he'd learned long before he became a Dark Lord, and walked purposefully to the Apparating Area. He didn't notice the raised eyebrows of Lucius and Severus, the former there because the one trialed was a Weasley, and the latter there due to the Headmaster's order. Only when Lucius saw Severus' amused raised eyebrow did he begin to suspect something, something that made dread coil in his stomach.

He refused to believe it, though, so he ignored his suspicions until when something else confirmed it further, or debunked it altogether.

"You're... Voldemort?" Harry asked quizzically, his shoulders tense.

"Indeed," he chuckled darkly, and Harry shivered when he felt... Voldemort's magic. But wait... isn't Tom Voldemort? Is this self-proclaimed Voldemort also a part of Tom from his Dark Ritual? How many did he make anyways? He'd be having a word with Tom later, but for now he refocused his attention to the Voldemort right in front of him. Now that he remembered that Tom was Voldemort, he knew somewhere in his mind that he'd not hurt him... maybe.

Nonetheless, that expression on his face made him feel... dangerous.

"Now, since you've helped me resurrect, I'll... reward you, for your generosity," he said. "It was, after all, thanks to you, who freed me in the first place."

With a wave of his hand, shackles appeared on the bed posts and attached themselves immediately onto Harry's wrists, trapping him in place. With shocked eyes, Harry looked at the Dark Lord in disbelief. Said Dark Lord only grinned maliciously at him. If he'd actually hurt him somehow... He narrowed his eyes.

"Release me," he demanded.

"No--" he started, but then he yelled in pain. Wide-eyed, Harry watched as the Dark Lord crumple to the ground, and as if he couldn't control his body, he waved his hand once more, and the shackles disappeared. "Wha...?"

Then there was the sound of a sharp crack of Apparition, and suddenly Tom was there.

"Tom!" Harry called, delighted. But when he saw his red, stormy eyes, his delight faded immediately. The older male was looking at Voldemort with an undecipherable look. He wanted to say something, anything, but he had a feeling that if he did say something, he'd regret it immediately. With an inaudible gulp, he froze and settled to watch how this new turn of events unfold.

Tom watched Voldemort--himself, technically, but you know what I mean-- critically, his eyes flashing angrily. His inner creature roared in fury for this person for taking his mate, but at the same time at him for taking away his mate, which was odd, but considering that Voldemort was him, before he met his Harry, was understandable.

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