Chapter 17: Severus' Talk

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Severus really wanted to sigh. He'd spent the whole night plotting with Tom and Sirius on how to get the Weasley girl incarcerated, or at the very least tortured by them, without having to raise the Wizarding World's suspicions nor Sirius' Black family heritage. After all, almost all the Blacks are in Azkaban, and the ones out of it didn't have any of those skills.

"Mr. Finnegan! Ten points from Gryffindor for not following the steps properly!"

"But sir--"

"It's chopped coconut roots, not slivers," he snapped, banishing the whole cauldron. Really, do these dunderheads ever learn from their past mistakes?! A single wrongly prepared ingredient could destroy the whole castle if not for the protective charms most cauldron makers cast around the cauldrons they make. "Twenty points from Gryffindor for back talk!"

Now, where was he... Right, how to get Miss Weasley incarcerated and possibly tortured without showing their cards... If only they could get more than enough evidence against her, then maybe, just maybe.... But then again, she's underage. Which means that the ones incarcerated and fined would be her parents and she'd be sent to the Wizarding World's equivalent to a juvenile school. Great.

"Mr. Crabbe, Mr. Goyle, what did I tell you about fire temperatures in potions making?! I wrote high heat, not medium!" he snapped, leaving a few Slytherins gaping at him--well, at least their version of gaping. They did look a bit shocked. He continued on walking around class, his eyes critically searching for any anomalies in the dunderheads people call students' potions.

But then again, he'd also seen the Weasley twins' and the youngest Weasley son watching their sister from afar, maybe they suspected something? It's possible for him to get their hel--cooperation. Besides, he wanted something in exchange for the Weasley twins using his potions classroom for prank tests... and for Ronald's many potions accident. At least the Weasley daughter is quite adept at potions making. Almost perfect in every potion made, even if she's only a second year.

"Mr. Potter!" he snarled, making the Potter heir jump. "What did I say about watching where your hair go when making potions? Of course you weren't listening then, hm? Fifty points from Gryffindor for not paying attention to class! And Mr. Potter? Detention tonight, right after dinner!"

"Yes sir," he grumbled, glaring at the potions master. Severus just sniffed and walked away after banishing the potion in his cauldron. Shame, it was a perfect shade of orange too.

He wondered briefly on why the Potter heir was in Lupin's chambers last night, and blushed when he realized that from where he was standing, it'd seem to him that he was kissing the werewolf! Well, at least his back was to the students, so none of them saw his blushing face.

"Time's up, bottle your potions and place it on my desk," he said, when he noticed that it was five minutes until the warning bell rang. They all quickly shuffled so that they were out of class as soon as possible, creating many, unnecessary noises that served to irritate him even further. He glared at every single child that came up to his desk to place their potions vial.

Thank god there'd be no more classes for him after this. He stretched his arms high above his head, feeling his wings stretch with him, before he warded and locked the door. He then laid his head on the table and closed his eyes. He also needed to think about his retaliation prank for the prank war, and wondered if the Weasley twins wouldn't mind helping him with his idea...

There weren't any rules on seeking help from others in order to execute their plans, after all.

"You're late," he snapped once Harry stepped into the classroom for his detention.

"By one second," Harry glared at the potions professor, who only raised an eyebrow at his glare.

"Recreate the potion you failed today for detention. Begin," Snape said, ignoring his comment, which was a win in his mind. Harry quickly made his way to the stores and began recreating the potion. A few minutes into brewing, his mind began to wander. He remembered his first conversation with the DADA professor the other night, and since Snape was kissing him the other night, even if professor Lupin said that they weren't kissing... maybe he knew what professor Lupin was talking about.

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