Chapter 6: Ginny's Problem

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"Why didn't it work...?!" she grit her teeth as she looked at the shattered vial near her feet. Her temper was rising, and she was very close to just outright dose her Harry with Amortentia. But she'd had Tom's help, and she'd also had some upperclassmen's help, in exchange for a cuddle session or two at night. She didn't think that her actions would lead up to something particularly horrible in the future, she just wanted to have her Harry!

She sat against the wall, careful to not injure herself from the glass shards, and pulled out a familiar black book.

"Tom!" she wrote, reading it in her mind with a whiny voice.

"Yes, Ginerva?" the book replied with it's cursive writing. She envied the neat and beautiful writing, but it was just a book, so there shouldn't be anything to be envious of, right? For all she knew, the book might just have belonged to a girl far older than her instead of a guy at all.

"I want my Harry!" she wrote, pouting cutely as if the book could see it. She was a master manipulator, being the only girl in the family and having her brothers and parents at her beck and call since she was just a child had honed her manipulating skills. She was afraid that she'd be sorted into Slytherin, with the slimy snakes and evil good-for-nothings, and the Hat had contemplated putting her in Slytherin but decided against it. She remembered the Hat's every word...

'Hmm, hmm, oh? You've got a manipulator streak going on here, fit for a Slytherin...' the Hat hummed in her head. She paled drastically, she didn't want to be in Slytherin, she wanted to be in Gryffindor, where her Harry was! He's supposed to be hers, her mum said so! Just before she contemplated ripping the Hat off of her head, the Hat's voice sounded again, 'And yet you're brash and brave... Must be...'


She'd sighed in relief before the Hat was pulled off of her head, and she immediately sat right next to her brother, near the Boy-Who-Lived, and in front of Hermione. It'd made slipping the potion easier, and she made sure that her Harry would get the potion little by little, and by the time the potion had disappeared, he'd be too far in a haze to think twice before bonding with anyone, namely her. It was worth it, selling the stray Pigmypuffs to the Black Market in Knockturn Alley for 15 Galleons. It was enough to buy the bonding potion and some of her better school supplies, and she'd had a few sickles left by the time she was done.

She'd started slipping the potion bit by bit ever since the twins had arrived with Harry in her dad's Ford Angela, and she'd continued dosing even his sweets, no matter how little he bought. She just had to make sure that he doesn't share those sweets to anyone else... which she'd succeeded by buying even more sweets, and all of them her brother's favourites. Yes she'd succeeded in every plan she'd carefully created...

But why wasn't he begging for her to bond with him?! It made her irritated as her Harry wouldn't even look at her twice. She knew his looks say that she was nothing more than a friend, maybe in the future a sister to him. It irritated her, the looks he gave her. She'd written every single irritation and concerns into the diary, and due to habit, had also written it the way that painted her as someone whom had the right to have Harry as her own.

Of course, Tom soon got annoyed by her and ended up possessing her, imperio-ing her to leave the second floor girl's lavatory when he was done. He had originally wanted to kill her, using her sacrifice to resurrect, but her tongue was too stiff, and she couldn't be used to open the Chamber of Secrets, even if he wanted to. His plans to release Jamila from the Chamber could be done only barely, only after a lot of conversing and trying to make the stiff tongue move to hiss.

But then he was found by Harry, and was with him ever since.

Meanwhile, in an unused corridor, deep within the castle, Ginny was lost and panicking, since she couldn't find her diary anywhere. In the end, she was caught by Miss Norris and had to serve a few weeks worth of detention since she was caught outside the Great Hall at dinnertime.

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