Chapter 12: School Troubles

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Not sure where I'm going but... Yeah. Have I told you how hectic it is whenever I go home? By hectic I mean I get so lazy I don't get out of bed which causes my mom to shout at me and my big sis (because she does the same thing) and my lil sis to get all "ARGH DAMMIT MOVE Y'LAZYASSES" and my big sis goes all like "Dude, u go" and I go "no u go. Me too lazy" and the u go fight starts and my dad comes home and is all like "why the hell do I have to deal w/ this every time I get home..."

Yeah. Moving on... new chapter (Yay!) as I said idk where I'm going with this but I hope you enjoy this chapter too :) There's a time skip to Hoggywarts btw.

(See the end of the chapter for .)

Chapter Text

It was September 1st, and Ginny was biting her nails in frustration. Earlier that morning, she'd had a skip in her steps, so happy she was that she was about to meet her Harry again, and this time, was determined to make him show his affections towards her in public, telling everyone that they're together or something, but was confronted by a Harry that just glanced at her and said a "Hey" before moving away to talk to her family. It was just... frustratingly frustrating!

What's more, he came with Snape. SNAPE of all people...!!! And the way he eyed her suspiciously was annoying! She only gave him an innocent look in return, and he just gave her an unimpressed look as if saying that he knew what she was doing. And then there was also the black dog... grim... dog...? The black dog that bounded up to her and ruined her looks by licking her all over, and now she just stank! She couldn't wash the saliva off and had to have her mom cast a cleaning charm on her, and even then she still stank! Luckily she used her perfume to mask the horrible smell, but still!

And then when she went to find her Harry, he was already sitting in a compartment, to his right was a window, to his left a sleeping man that she'd never seen before! Not that that mattered but, he took her rightful seat, right next to her Harry! And now as Harry conversed with her brother and the know-it-all, quietly so that they didn't disturb the sleeping man, she kept giving him seductive looks, fluttering her eyelashes as she sat right next to Hermione, and he was looking at his two best friends, but not at her! She fumed internally and had wanted to command him to look at her, demand his attention to her, but there were others in the compartment, so she held her tongue.

Though in the end, she fell asleep, and was woken up by a cold chill, settling into her bones. She opened her eyes to find her Harry face-to-face with a dementor, and she let out a loud scream, joining Hermione's screams of "Harry!"

"Expecto Patronum," said a calm voice, and the dementor went away. She saw that the sleeping man before was now awake, and had a wand in his hand. Despite the calm voice he used to cast the spell, his face looked pale, and his eyes held fear and relief.

"Thank you, Sir," Harry said in an odd voice.

"You're welcome, Harry. Now, If you'll excuse me," he said before slipping away, opening the compartment door, in which they all heard terrible screams from, and closing it once more.

"I wonder who he was?" Hermione said with that glint in her eyes that everyone knows mean that her curiosity was piqued.

"Beats me," Ron shrugged.

"Probably our new DADA teacher? Who knows," Harry stated, eyeing the door warily.

"Are you alright, Harry?" Ginny asked in a sweet, concerned voice that made them all think that she was genuinely concerned.

"Guess so, just a little bit shocked, I guess."

"Oh, we should get you to the infirmary right after we arrive!" Hermione declared, and Ron snickered. Harry just rolled his eyes in exasperation before he motioned for them all to sit down and go back to conversing. Ginny had forgotten why she was so mad before, and only wanted to rest and relax, preferably with her Harry massaging her feet, on his knees or something. Yes, that was a good idea, but right now both Ron and Hermione were watching her for some reason. Oh well. She closed her eyes and relaxed further into sleep, and eventually fell asleep.

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