Chapter 13: Wolf Detective

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This was interesting.

Remus sat on the chair in his office, mulling over the things that had happened within the span of a day. When Harry had come into the compartment he was in with his friends, he was hit by the most familiar scent, a scent that reminded him of something--someone, but he couldn't place who. His inner wolf was howling, happy to find his pack's cub, safe and sound, and smelling and looking as healthy as can be, if a bit on the short side.

Scratch that, he looked far shorter than even the girl--Hermione Granger. As he evened his breathing and closed his eyes, Harry sat right next to him, near the window. The wolf within him howled in joy once again, and demanded him to immediately scent him, mark him as part of his pack, even though he was sure he'd done that when Harry was born. He relaxed, feeling quite content with the knowledge that at the very least, the Alpha-cub bond was being appeased by the closeness between them.

When the compartment door opened, it revealed a boy he knew as the Longbottom heir. Then there were others that came and went, some to say hi to Harry, others to ask if they could join, and a particular Malfoy heir had barged in and insulted them before he left, humiliated by Harry's words--not that he cared much. At least all of them had quietened down once they noticed he was there.

When he thought no one else was going to enter, the compartment door opened one last time, and he fought the urge to growl at the smell that assaulted his nose. He knew that scent, even under as many perfumes whoever this person--this new girl was wearing. She also smelled odd, with anger, confusion, disappointment, and many other negative feelings jumbled together was carefully concealed with fake happiness. It was an odd combination, or maybe the girl herself was odd.

But that didn't explain why she had Padfoot's marking saliva. The marking saliva that the Marauders used when they felt that someone was a danger to them. It wasn't used often, but the werewolf within him had memorized the scent since it was a very effective way to deal with dangerous people. Sudden realization hit him like a tonne of bricks. Why did she have the marking saliva? Why was she marked? How did she become marked? Did that mean that Padfoot was near?

That Sirius is close by?

If that were so, then the students would be in danger... And the fact that he's marked her means that she might become his victim. As much as it hurt to think of his friend... once-friend like that, Sirius was placed in Azkaban for a reason. He tried to prove his friend's innocence, but no one had listened to him, and Dumbledore had him assigned on getting the werewolf packs' agreement to join the Order, in which he failed, and the Alpha had said that that's final.

To go back there and try to persuade them would mean his death, so he told the Order that he wanted some vacation and time to mourn his lost friends--his broken pack. And to think that one of his mates was placed within Azkaban and the other wasn't approved by the rest of his pack... he didn't even want to tell his other mate that he was his, well, mate. He'd already told Sirius, and he'd been angry for a minute, and then sulked the next few days afterward, before he came around and told him that it was alright.

He had hoped that something would happen, and had also told both Peter and James, but as expected, they denied him of his other mate. He stopped pursuing for him after that.

He woke up with a jolt--when did he fall asleep?--to the feeling of danger. Moony was growling, hostile, trying to make him move so that he'd do something. He sensed danger to the pack's cub. He opened his eyes and took a defensive stance, following the children's confusion, questions on what they're feeling, what was happening. Then he saw it, the tell-tale frost appearing on the window, as pale, bony fingers pry it open.

Fingers that were far too close to Harry for his liking. He took out his wand from its' holster, and closed his eyes, finding his happiest memory to date, and moved his wand, "Expecto Patronum."

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