Chapter 44: Love In Exchange For Freedom

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The-Boy-Who-Lived, Missing?!

That's right dear readers, Harry Potter, The-Boy-Who-Lived, had gone missing! Who is The-Boy-Who-Lived, you ask? Currently, there is no witch or wizard that had heard about the Darkest Lord You-Know-Who, don't know about The-Boy-Who-Lived. He was the only one who'd survived the Killing Curse, cast by He-Who-Must-Be-Named himself, and lived to tell the tale, at the age of one. He's currently enrolled into Hogwarts for his 5th year and had participated in the Triwizard Tournament as one Ginerva Weasley, as Hogwart's Champion's, Third Task Partner.

As we all know, dear readers, the Triwizard Tournament had been revived once more, hosted at Hogwarts, School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, as of last year (1995). Recently, the Third and Final Task had been concluded with a shocking end, with the arrest of one Ginerva Weasley for reasons unknown, and The-Boy-Who-Lived going missing! That's right folks, The-Boy-Who-Lived had gone missing!

The Ministry Aurors and Professors from Hogwarts, as well as other professors from the well-known schools abroad, Beauxbatons and Durmstrang, had been searching for him, and had not yet found any clue whatsoever as to where one Harry Potter could be. For now, this article will be concluded, but stay tuned, as I will find more information regarding the case, on both the disappearance of Harry Potter and the trial of one Ginerva Weasley, which will be held next Tuesday at 9 AM.

For more information on the Triwizard Tournament: page 8; Beauxbatons and Drumstrang: page 5; Ginerva Weasley and her connections to Harry Potter: page 10.

The Aurors tried to hold her back, they really did, but with her thrashing and uncontrolled magic shattering everything it could, they had to tie her on a magic-suppressing leash, and dragged her down to the holding cells. Arthur Weasley followed them with a solemn face, for he was needed to become a witness, alongside the other Weasleys. The Aurors shoved his daughter none-too-gently into the holding cell, and one of them had to shove a sleeping draught down her throat for extra measures.

The only person whom had gotten away from a holding cell by brute force was one Bellatrix Lestrange nee Black, and currently, Ginny expression was the exact same expression as hers. He shuddered when he remembered how the insane Lestrange had uncontrollably cast multiple Crucio's and even the Killing Curse when the Aurors dragged her down the holding cells.

It was also why she was immediately sentenced to the Dementor's Kiss after her first 10 years of Azkaban. She had been this close to escaping the prison, and had the Auror patrols not come down that usually-avoided Azkaban hallway, she might just have escaped.

"Arthur Weasley," a gruff voice said, and he turned to see an Auror gesturing for him to go into the interrogation room. He sighed and looked back at his unconscious daughter once more before entering said interrogation room.

"I don't know where and how I failed to raise my daughter correctly," he admitted when the Auror gestured him to speak his point of view first. "I didn't even realize that she'd changed so much, became so, very obsessed with Harry after seeing him... Maybe it's because she thought that he could be her knight in shining armour, her prince charming, but honestly, I thought that it was just that, a crush's daydream. She became so obsessed after her First Year, but I thought it's just a phase she was going through.

"But now that I see her... Like this... I can't say that I'm heartbroken about her actions," he laughed bitterly. The Auror nodded with a sympathetic gaze, though his face remained stern and stoic.

"Do you have any idea why she'd change?" he asked.

"I'm not sure..." Arthur frowned. "She just... suddenly became very obsessed after her First Year, and I'm not sure why that happened in the first place." The Auror nodded.

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