Chapter 33: Secret Secrets

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Harry slid down the long tunnel, landing in a soft, bouncy surface when he reached the bottom. He loved what Tom had done to the place. After the Chamber was cleaned, he'd weaved charms into the walls and floor, added a few things like a portal for Jamila so that she could go out and hunt animals, or animals walk into the portals and she eat them up. The place didn't stink anymore, rather, it now smelled... neutral.

Otherwise it'd mess up Jamila's scent-sense on her tongue.

There was a new layer of paint that gleamed under the magical light orbs that floated high, nearing the ceiling, but were bright enough to light up the rooms and hallways. And while usually it'd drain the caster of magic, apparently Hogwarts wanted the Chamber to be lit, so the castle's magic fueled the floating orbs which served as some sort of automatic lights that become dim when there's no one inside.

"Hatchling, what bringssss you to my domain?" the familiar voice sounded, and without conscious though, Harry hissed back at her.

"Jamila! I was looking for you," Harry replied shyly. The Basilisk gave him a hissy laugh, before she coiled him up with her huge body.

"Ahh, yessss, little hatchling. But firssssst, we mussst find a ssssuitable place to talk, sssshould we not?"

"Okay," Harry climbed up her scales until he was near her head.

"Sssssalazar'ssss Chambersssss, here we come!" she declared, slithering at top speed, which made Harry laugh delightedly at the freeing feeling.

Salazar's Chambers was a huge and warm place, which made Harry feel cozy, while beneath him, Jamila's body was cool instead of warm. When the huge snake coiled itself, Harry climbed into the middle of said coils to snuggle into the strong, yet soft scales. It reminded him of Tom's scales somehow, but much cooler.

"What do you want to talk about, hatchling?"

"Ah, right, you see, Jamila, there's this new teacher," he started, pausing when he needed to find the correct words to describe how he felt about the whole thing. He also informed her of the Tournament, which he kinda get was very dangerous and deadly. He needed to ask her about his feelings and how he felt about Tom not coming back, but instead, a pink toad came.

"I ssssee... Hatchling, you're confusssed about why ssshe attractssss you sssso?"

"Yes, Jamila. She reminded me of Tom, but not! Her magic felt malicious, and I don't wanna be near her, but at the same time, it felt so much like Tom's that I want to be near her! This is so confusing!"

"Calm down, hatchling, and think this through," she cooed at him. "If you're only attracted to her magic, then it ssssshould be alright. Unlesssss you're attracted to her asssss a persssson?"

"I can't really tell yet, I need to have at least a lesson with her first before I can decide," he explained.

"Truly, a wissse desscicion little hatchling. Never judge sssssssomething by how it looksssss."

"You sound like a muggle quote," he giggled.

"Oh really?" she sounded amused.

"Yep! Never judge a book by its' cover!"

"Well, you should never," she moved her head as if she was nodding, as much as a snake could nod.

"Exactly! Speaking of books, I haven't read Potions and Defense books yet, and also Transfiguration, so do you mind if I stay here all night?"

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