Chapter 38: Yule Ball

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Ginny walked down the stairs to the Great Hall, her shimmery dress that accentuated her every curve making all the guys drool and all the girls sniff at her. She couldn't find a date in time, and decided to ask Ron for help. He'd agreed to be her dance partner, mostly because Hermione already had a dance partner of her own. She hid a sneer of disgust at her brother's state of dress--it was clearly their dad's hand-me-down as it was tattered and had holes in a few places, as well as a few patches that made the dress robe's colour seem off.

In contrast, she had one of the most beautiful gowns in school, her hair perfectly styled just so that it framed her face and made her usually warm eyes look smoldering. Her make-up was impeccable, peach lipstick and lots of dark brown eyeshadows to give her a natural, innocent look despite her dress. She parted her lips just slightly as she waited for the ball to start, her high-heeled boots making her nearly as tall as her brother.

She glanced to the side to find the know-it-all paired up with Aleric, his charms making her melt against his side as he spoke softly to her. She had on a gold and brown dress that flared at her hips, its' vintage style made her look like a proper, yet uptight, lady. Her hair, usually frizzled, had been braided and then looped around her head like a crown, and her make up was minimal, just enough with powder and a slight blush to her face.

Aleric himself looked decidedly delicious. His dress robes were form-fitting, hugging him at all the right places. His hair combed just so that he looked like a sly angel, his smile charming everyone in the hallway. He also wore a similarly vintage-styled clothes and they truly looked like a couple together. Aleric had explained to her that he already had a mate, but she wasn't allowed to go watch the Tournament, hence him not having a date. Hermione had accepted his cry for help and went as a friend.

She didn't know how that happened, but it just did. As long as they didn't sabotage her and her Harry, though, they were alright in her books.

Next, she eyed the utterly unattractive girl Annabelle. She had on a pretty gothic dress, with lots of details on her gown, frills and buttons that somehow made for easy moving and yet form-fitting at the same time. There were nets on her shoulders and legs, her foot wear were dragon hide boots with no pumps at all, as she was naturally tall. The navy blue and black of her dress made her eyes look glowing, and her face tattoos were accentuated in a sensual way.

She was leaning against the wall, waiting for her date to come--her date which was her Harry!

She was debating over whether or not to walk over to her and give her a piece of her mind, when Harry came down.

His usually untamable hair framed his face, and he had markings on his face and neck that made him look ethereal--almost like an angel. He wore a dark green clothing that just brought out his eye colour, and the way it fit his form like a glove had nearly all the girls and some boys in the vicinity to drool at him. His smile was one of shyness and yet... he looked like he was looking forward to the dance.

He'd heard Sirius talking to Severus about Tom possibly coming to the ball tonight, but she didn't know that. She just assumed that this Anna girl had given him a potion to make him feel attracted to her in some way. She seethed silently as her Harry walked up to the older girl with a smile, his tense shoulders relaxing as a hand wandered over to his lower back.

She's not allowed to gaze, let alone touch what's hers!

There was a loud cough, and after a flurry of movements, Professor McGonagall and the three Champions and their dates were left in the hallway.

"Alright, now, when you hear the song start, and the door start to open, you must get into position and then glide inside once it's opened completely. Starting from Ms. Blau, Mr. Patric, and then followed by Ms. Weasley. Any questions? No? Then I wish you a pleasant night."

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