Chapter 55: Bound To You

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The bonding between one Harry Potter and one Thomas Marvolo was attended by many, and I mean many, people, both from Britain and outside of it, it was almost like the whole world attended it. While Harry didn't exactly like it, he had to bear with it, as the person who'd 'defeated' the Dark Lord Voldemort. If only they knew whom exactly it is he was being bonded to...

Harry gave the guests a side glance as the doors opened, taking note of the sheer size of the place used to hold so many people. The whole of the ballroom (from one of the Black Family houses) had been spacious before, but even with the extra few enlarging space charms it was still cramped. The place made him gulp in nervousness, feeling like anything and everything could happen on his bonding day.

But despite that, he took his first step forward.

Harry's form-fitting wedding robes, decorated with silver, vine-like decorations, sewn into the fabric, had made everyone's breath catch. Not to mention the dark green colour made his eyes stand out, bright and sparkling. Though, that could be explained by his happiness at finally, officially being bound to Tom. A small part of him was even happier about the fact that he was doing this in front of the world, as if shouting it to everyone that he was Tom's and Tom was his.

What took his breath away though, was Tom, standing in front of the bonder, in his red and green formal robes, bordered with bold, black strips of cloth, tying at his waist that gave off the impression of a 'gift wear' as the shop clerk called it (Tom did look like a gift--for him and him only). Not just that, but a few buttons above his chest was unbuttoned, revealing a tantalizing strip of flesh, shimmering due to the scales there, his eyes a deep crimson, which sparkled under his appreciative look.

It was a good thing that traditionally, magical bonding wouldn't allow any parent from any sides to walk their child, as it would disturb the magical process. Had Sirius been there with him, seeing Tom's lustful gaze on him... He didn't even want to imagine how he'd react.

Another step was taken.

His heart was beating very quickly, and he was somewhat afraid that everyone in the ballroom could hear it. He was quite sure that the moment Tom touches his hand, it'd leap out in joy, exposing how deep his feelings for Tom was.

Another step.

But then again, who'd ever cared who he falls for? Why should he care whether they could see how deep his emotions run or not? That thought certainly took off a load off his shoulder.

The next step had a little bounce in it, and Tom noticed.

It seemed like Harry had just realized something, while taking the painstakingly slow, one step per second tradition. If it were just a small ceremony, he'd have walked together with him through Fiendfyre and along Demonic Waters, traversing through Devil's Bridges and fly together like angels in a clear blue sky.

Harry took another step.

Tom nearly snorted--since when had he become so cheesy?

Another step.

Was it because he'd merged with his diary self? Was it because he was mostly whole? Was it because he fell in love? He, who'd thought love was impossible?

Another step.

No, he knew the answer already. He'd started to change ever since he met Harry. His Harry.

The Harry that had took another step, the final one, to stand in front of Tom. His green, green eyes meeting his vivid red ones.

The bonder started to chant. The guests repeated after him as per tradition, adding each and every one of their magic to strengthen the bond that will be created between them. Once the bonds were formed, they looked at each other with heat in their eyes, and Tom leaned down to kiss him deeply.

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