Chapter 24: Dreams And Silence

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She's being watched. Well, of course she is, but it doesn't mean she liked it. She couldn't break into Snape's personal potions stores, and her potions ingredients were missing, the ones that aren't required for her school year. Which means that she couldn't make the potions she wanted to make, and which also means that all her hard work had been wasted. And she knew exactly who the culprit was.


He's been keeping a close eye on her, and she suspected it was why he and her Harry had arrived at King's Cross together earlier in the year. She wouldn't put it past him, but Harry was hers, hers, hers!

She silently fumed as she plotted her next move. Maybe it wasn't wise to make a move when she's being closely watched, but she wanted her Harry, now. Now, now, now, NOW! And no one can be trusted with this information...

"What had captured your mind, Ginerva?" the guy beside her--a Ravenclaw, she'd forgotten his name--asked as he stroked her soft, red hair.

"I'm just troubled," she sighed, making a sad look. Yes, enthrall them with your charms, and soon they'll make armies just for you to fight your troubles. "The potions ingredients supplies--someone keeps stealing it."

"Well, that just can't do, now can it?" he frowned, his blue eyes beautiful in his contemplative look--although not more beautiful than Harry's, of course!

"No... I guess I'll just have to buy more the next time I go to Hogsmeade..." She wondered if she had enough money for that, for her more... questionable ingredients.

"Well, be careful on what you buy--sometimes you might find potion ingredients way past their expiry dates, and more often than not, it could cause poisoning on a person." Wow... A Ravenclaw that sounded as if he truly cared. Maybe smartass ravens also do have a heart.

"Yes, thank you for warning me," she smiled her shy smile, looking into his blue, blue eyes from under her lashes. He blushed, but returned the smile nonetheless. And yet, all she wanted was Harry's smile, Harry looking at her, and only her, smiling, declaring his love to her, marrying her, making her Lady Potter, making her rich beyond any dream she'd ever had... and more.

He was rightfully hers!

Harry shuddered as an odd feeling came through him, a sense of horror dawning upon him, and yet he couldn't tell why that was. But he didn't let the feeling linger, he needed to go to his detention fast! He was already late as he is.

Maybe that was it, his body finally realizing that he was late for detention?

He knocked on the door and waited. He wondered if Snape forgot about his detention? It was wishful thinking, but he could hope, right? He knocked again--no answer. He was getting worried. He and Snape had gotten closer, more so than ever before, though he'd sometimes catch him saying something that made him think that he still despised him, though most of those happened in class.

He'd become some kind of guardian to him, just as Remus and Sirius had. Tom was different, he was his soulmate, so he's not supposed to be his guardian at all, he thinks. And so he'd come to care for all of their well-beings. He just hoped that Snape had a good reason to not answer his knocks like he did before--throwing up, feeling feverish, throwing tantrums in the form of point-taking and detentions... The usual.

Well, maybe not the first two, and he's worried since it's been happening to him and Sirius for months. He wondered if it was stomach flu or something? Had they gone to Madame Pomphrey yet? Please don't let it be something that can't be cured...

He cast a silent Tempus, and found that he'd been standing in front of the potions office door for almost one hour, and he began to panic, Snape had never taken this long to answer his door...

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