Chapter 51: Repercussions

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Harry was livid.

How dare she touched him like that? How dare she even thought that she was worthy enough to touch him like that?!

Maybe his thoughts were influenced by Tom's way of thinking, because he certainly didn't remember ever using the word 'worthy of' something, as he'd felt all his life, that he wasn't worth anything. But now, more than ever, felt like it was the right word to use to describe how he felt.

How dare she felt worthy of him, of even looking at him!

His magic flared out, and he vaguely noticed a few people pointing their fingers at him--no, their wands. But wands, fingers, who cares what they used to point at him? They were pointing at him, and for what? For escaping his jail cell? They were pointing fingers--wands--at him for escaping his prison?! He snorted.

"Out of the way," he commanded, and his magic complied. They all, by raw magic alone, were pinned to the walls, unable to do anything. His eyes immediately sought the person whom angered him. "Voldemort," he hissed, his words bordering on Parseltongue. "Pray tell, why would you lock me in a jail cell?"

His words were sweet, but he saw the Dark Lord shudder at his tone.

"Pray tell, why did you let a whore touch you? Why did you let another whore touch me?" he asked in a sweet voice.

"Potter, I--"


That one command silenced him immediately. The only thing that was saving him from his ire was the fact that despite Bellatrix Lestrange's efforts to make him erect with her--foul, disgusting, useless but for spouting off nonsense--mouth, he was still soft.

"You think you'd get away with just sitting prettily on your throne-y chair and commanding your followers to follow you, is that it?" he asked again as he advanced. Voldemort visibly shuddered, his pupils dilating for some reason--fear? Lust? No matter.

"Oh, Voldemort," Harry chuckled. "Not that easily will you escape your... punishment," he licked his lips, his eyes glinting in the suddenly darker room.

"You dare--"

With a wave of his hand, she was immediately silenced. Her mouth flapped open and closed uselessly, only weird, breathy noises came out. He'd wandlessly, and non-verbally vanished her voice cord, so it was to be expected. Blood trickled down her chin, and Harry deemed her sufficiently punished... for now.

"Now how should I go about punishing you?"

The grin he sported didn't bode well for a very pale Voldemort.

Arthur had always thought that Thomas Marvolo was an odd person. Odd, but nice. Not just that, he had a brilliant mind, a calm demeanor, a cunning way of thinking, and--basically the personification of the perfect, gentlemanly Slytherin.

Of course, he knew that the name Marvolo was another name for the Gaunt family, which were the direct descendants of Salazar Slytherin himself, and he supposed that that's where he got it. He'd heard from his children when they told him that he also taught them a few years back, and while at first he was worried, when they told him how brilliant he was, he thought that he'd be an okay person.

He was vicious, in terms of politics, and he had a stubbornness that rivalled even Harry's. All the Bills he'd put forward were thoughtful, insightful, and he knew that all the things he offered were beneficial, even if it's going against the current society's mindset. Building a magical orphanage was the first Bill he passed. He convinced everyone quite easily, and the only people opposing it were money-hungry people, and even then, they shut up after his childhood story.

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