Chapter 47: Hatching Schemes

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Remus was up early that morning, he wasn't sure why. Disentangling himself from his snoring lover, he got up and stretched languidly. A Tempus cast tells him that it was 5 AM, still early enough for him to check the children and make breakfast, and would still have to wake Sirius up. Really, he and his sleeping habits. One would think that after having children, he'd change, but no. He'd still wake up after 10 AM if he had any say about it.

Which he didn't.

With a sigh, he quietly made his way to the bathroom, quickly doing his morning ablutions, and then heading up to the triplets' bedroom. Dread settled inside when he found that the three menaces wasn't in bed, and in a panic, he rushed back to his bedroom and woke Sirius up.

"SIRIUS!" he shouted, opening his bedroom door with a bang, which effectively woke the other wizard up.


"The children! They're gone!" Remus said in a rush. "We've got to find them!"

"Oh fu--" Falling off the bed with a thud, Sirius scrambled to get up. "Did-did you smell anything amiss in their bedroom?"

Remus blinked, nearly face palming himself. He found some days that he forgot that he was a werewolf--that he was a wizard--and reverted to his old muggle customs. It was one of those days, it seems. He sniffed the air closely, and smelled... something utterly delicious.

He relaxed immediately, only one person could make something smell that delicious.

"Well?" Sirius asked, frantically trying to put on his trousers.

"Harry," he said with a sigh. Sirius halted in his movements.


"Yeah, Harry. Only he could make food smell so--"

"Harry's here?!"

Surprise was evident in his tone, and Remus looked at the other quizzically.

"Well, he's--he's not missing anymore?" he elaborated.

"He was missing?"

"Yeah, it was in the papers!"

"You never told me!"

"Well, you should read the papers!"

"The house is warded against unknown owls! It includes post owls too!"

"Oh..." Sirius said, dumbfounded. Remus sighed, hating that he had to be confined within Black Manor since his status as a werewolf was revealed. Even mails had to be screened, and he'd only added a few owls to the wards, namely Hedwig and Pigwidgeon, Helen, Severus' owl, and Millia, McGonagall's personal owl. Fawkes wasn't technically an owl, so he wasn't added into the wards, though he could still come and go as he pleased.

"Come on, I think I know where they are," Remus said and pulled a barely-dressed Sirius to the kitchen.

True to his assumptions, the three children and both Harry and Thomas were in the kitchen, though Harry was wearing a high-neck shirt despite the warm temperature. With a sniff, his werewolf senses picked up a few things that made him sure of why he was wearing such a warm piece of clothing despite it being summer. Well, almost summer.

"Good morning," Remus said with a sly smile, which both Harry and Thomas picked up, much to Harry's embarrassment.

"Morning," they replied, as three voices said in unison, "Daddy!"

"Harry!" Sirius shouted in astonishment. "You're... you're here..."

"Umm, hi Siri," Harry said nervously.

"You're here! Oh thank Merlin!" he said, scooping up his godson into a huge embrace. Harry giggled at him and squirmed to get out of his hold.

"Siri, the pancakes are gonna get burnt!"

"I don't care!"

"Tom, flip the pancakes for me would you?" Harry said with a sigh. A quirk at the corner of the other man's mouth told him that he was more than amused at the turn of events, but obliged anyways.

"Where have you been?! Everyone's been worried about you!" Sirius asked, looking him all over, searching for injuries. "And why're you wearing a high-neck shirt? I's hot in here!" he added, as if only just noticing his clothing choice. Curious, Sirius pulled down the high-neck and widened his eyes at the sight of Harry's neck.

Stormy grey eyes met Thomas', and Remus knew that if he didn't stop it, all hell would break loose. And he didn't want that happening in front of the children.

"Let's have breakfast, shall we?" Remus said cheerfully, a warning hand landing on Sirius' shoulder.

"Who wants pancakes?" Harry asked the children cheerfully, thankful for the distraction Remus provided. The children enthusiastically cheered and they were quickly ushered to the dining room, ready to be served pancakes.

"We will talk about that," Sirius gestured to Harry's neck as he spoke, his eyes flashing in barely restrained anger, "later."

Thomas just nodded.

It should've been a bad idea, to place Ginerva Weasley in a cell right across Bellatrix Lestrange's. Auror Clint shivered everytime he went past their cells, their crazed eyes would follow his every move, sometimes he'd hear them get into a shouting match, one that would put out even Mad-Eye Moody. Even when food was withheld from them, they'd still somehow have enough energy to... debate... which bachelor was better.

Harry Potter or the Dark Lord himself.

He shivered each time they point out every 'good' they saw in each, and 'trade' fantasies about what'd happen if... when they had them in their clutches. He'd never thought he'd ever feel sorry for Harry Potter, much less Voldemort himself. He wondered how their family ever handled them. He knew that both Black and Lestrange families were... weird. To say the least.

But the Weasleys? They were the epitome of a 'good' family, second only to the Potters. Why did the youngest become just like Bellatrix? Were they connected somehow? Of course, he knew that all purebloods were somehow connected, always. Between he and the Lestranges, he was their distant cousin, their ten-times-great grandfather were siblings to each other.

Which technically means that he and Bellatrix were cousins-in-law. He shuddered at the thought but didn't think too far into it.

He was looking forward to a night of relaxation after tomorrow night, a night with his beloved wife, his five children, and maybe go on an all-day outing to celebrate his return from this horrid place.

As he turned around the bend, he was immediately face-to-face with a dementor, and in his shock, he didn't react fast enough, and his soul was sucked out of his body, only leaving a shell of his former self.

Ruby red eyes met his unseeing ones, and he didn't get to hear the terrifying cackle Voldemort made.

"... which was how we ended up going here," Tom said calmly in the face of a rather livid godfather. Well, more than livid. He was most parts worried and relieved, but his anger was pretty much evident in his eyes.

"That does not make it okay for you to be taking my godson's purity!" he roared. Tom sighed.

"Calm down, I didn't take it," he said, seeing Sirius deflate slightly. He smirked. "He begged for me to claim him."

Sirius was immediately floored, his mind conjuring images of Harry politely asking a beast like the Dark Lord to claim him. He glanced towards Harry, who was blushing but not looking the slightest bit guilty about it, making it clear that he hadn't lied at all. He felt his mind shutting down from the revelation, and thankfully Remus was there to catch him when he lost consciousness.

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