Chapter 15: Plan Or Plot?

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Fred and George giggled as they saw Draco Malfoy's hair turn red and twist upwards, making it look as if he heard horns. They high-fived to each other and quickly made their escape, not wanting to get caught pranking even though the whole school was in a prank war. It was fun, and it drove the Headmaster crazy. Just the other day, someone pranked his clothes to be invisible, with the exception of his hideously pink and yellow underwear... Well, that was an image that they didn't want to think about. Ever.

Professor Lupin was an evasive person, and no one had yet managed to prank him yet. They discussed on how to prank him, and decided to get Harry's help, with the Marauder's map and all. Too bad the professor would usually disappear once or twice a month, and it was nearing that time. It was suspicious, but the twins didn't care, even if he were a bloodthirsty vampire or a feral werewolf--they only want to prank others, and as long as they're prankable, that's enough.

They nodded to each other, after a very long discussion of how and when and where they'd prank the elusive teacher, and was about to get out of the hidden alcove they were in, until they heard someone muttering something that sounded very, very suspicious to no one in particular. Quietly edging to the entrance to the alcove, they found their own sister pacing around, looking as if deep in thought.

", that didn't work... he's with him, though... what's their... no, no, no, they can't... I won't let them..."

Their little sister, who had green and yellow skin and silver hair which made her look funny, had a crazed shine to her eyes that made the two think about how muggles used to describe witches, like the squid witch from that mermaid story. Their eyes widened when their sister stopped abruptly as if in realization, and grinned. She was more like Bellatrix Lestrange then than the woman herself was.

"Yes... that could work..."

And off she goes. It was worrying the two brothers, and they looked at each other. Fred frowned and sent George a questioning look, and he answered by shaking his head. They left the alcove with something new to think about--or rather, someone. Someone with the initial 'Ginerva Weasley'.

The Great Hall was unusually filled with students that morning, everyone whispering about the potions accident that rendered the Potions Master himself unable to attend the rest of his classes. Rumors had it that he'd become a real, bat-like creature, with circles under his eyes, his scowl far more pronounced, his teeth replaced by fangs, and so on. That was why when said Potions Master entered the Great Hall alone, his robes giving him a regal air about him, everyone was immediately silent, eyes glued to the now extremely hot and handsome man.

The long hair had been brushed back and was tied at the nape of his neck, thanks to Sirius' teasing. All of his wardrobe was then resized to fit him snugly, hugging him at all the right places, and he even had some spell that allowed the bat wings to look somewhat leathery. His piercing obsidian eyes made it difficult for many to avert their eyes--they were captivating and...

"What're you looking at?" he snapped, making everyone shake their heads and try to eat their breakfast. Severus sighed as he sat on his chair, grumbling about going to cut his hair sometime later.

"Wow, Severus, you look... wow..."

"Not you too, Minerva," he groaned irritably, feeling stressed from all the attention he was getting. It was uncomfortable to be admired so openly, he rather liked people cowering before him in fear of what he might do in detentions.

"Don't worry," Lupin placed his hand on his shoulder as he sat next to him, his kind amber eyes making him feel shy. It was always like this, every time their eyes meet, he'd get a strange flutter in his heart that made him feel embarrassed and shy, and he found out back when they were still in Hogwarts together, that he was attracted to the werewolf. That night when he was nearly attacked by the wolf, he'd felt strangely arou--

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