Chapter 31: Thoughts

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After the birth of the triplets (says Remus even though both Sirius and Severus didn't want their children to be called 'triplets'), Harry's days went by as if a blur in his memories. He and his friends talked about exams, homework, and everything else that comes in between. There were also gossip about how Harry was a bit too close to Professor Marvolo, but another gossip negated it--the fact that Sirius is his godfather, and along with it, professor Lupin who stayed in the same rooms as professor Marvolo.

It was just funny how close they were to the truth, and yet so far from it.

There was also talk about professor Snape's absence due to birth. They were whispering about how his children had horns, had a glare that could melt Hogwarts and its' foundations, how they were born with a devil's spear in their hands--in a different variety, the devil's potions knife. Only Harry and his friends knew the truth.

After both Severus and Sirius had recovered enough to hold said babies, only then did they agree to let his friends see his new god-brothers. He'd excitedly told them about them and they'd cooed at them as they moved their limbs oddly. Hermione said that it was normal, as they were trying to get used to moving them. It was still cute, though.

Until they started telling them to change their diapers, that is.

He had never seen Ron and the twins pale so fast and escape so quickly too. He giggled as Hermione huffed at their retreating backs and saw an almost-quirk of Severus' lips that he thought might be an almost-smile, while Sirius was guffawing loudly.

Harry found that he enjoyed taking care of his little brothers, and the fact that Sirius, Remus, and Severus were giving more attention to their newborn children was actually very sweet. He found himself wondering how Tom would fare if he were to take care of their children. He found the mental image that particular though brought on both parts amusing and endearing, and found that even more than before that he'd love to carry Tom's children.

He shook his head, he needed to stop thinking about such things--he's still too young to think about having children, much less having his own children. But he still found himself sighing wistfully whenever his thoughts would stray.

"Harry, focus!" Hermione chastised him, snapping him out of his thoughts.

"Sorry 'Mione, what were you saying?"

"I asked you what Bicorn Horn is usually used for!" she huffed. Harry blinked at her, not really comprehending what she meant.

"Bicorn Horn... is usually used for... healing potions...?" he answered eventually.

"Correct," she smiled. "Honestly Harry, if only you paid attention to what Professor Snape teaches you, you'd be finishing his seven-foot essays within hours."

"Are you talking about Harry or are you talking about you, 'Mione?" Ron teased, to which the smart witch blushed at.

"I'm talking about both of you," she said sternly before her expression became coy. "Well, maybe not you, Ron..."

"Oi! I can study when I want to, okay!" he defended himself.

"But you don't want to, that's the problem!" she retaliated.

Harry decided to just ignore their bickering and point out that their next exam will begin in about 15 minutes, which shut Hermione instantly much to his amusement. But more than his amusement towards his friends, more than his anticipation on what next year will bring, he's more than excited to see what Summer with his godfathers and mate will be like.

One thing for sure, it's bound to not be a dull Summer.

She had to make this work, and after an extremely extensive research that could rival Hermione's level, she'd finally succeeded. Now, a place for her and him, a plan to get him away, and--

They will bond, consented or not.

She grinned to herself and hummed happily.

Her plans were perfect, now to just convince her father...

Summer went by faster than he'd ever experienced before, what with Tom taking him to a few magically magical places in the world, in order to 'court' him, as per Sirius' demand, and also with his god-siblings giving him many things to do, resulting in his happily exhausted state by the end of the day. It was great, and Harry couldn't imagine a happier Summer than this one.

That was, until the Daily Prophet somehow found out that Remus Lupin was a werewolf and stated spouting things about Dumbledore, questioning his teacher-hiring methods and a certain 'Why would the Headmaster place such a beast amongst innocent children?' that made the Headmaster fire Remus. The werewolf wasn't too concerned about that, since he'd gotten what he wanted, and more, but it also meant that Tom had to go back to the Ministry to file some documents, write some reports, and other paperwork that they issued.

It was a little bit of a shock to Harry even though he suspected it. Hermione had pointed out to him that said professor had only been sick in full moons, and that his boggart is a round, silver orb that could just be the moon. He could already see in his mind, her 'I told you so' face as she chastised him for not listening to her.

For now, though, things were happening so quickly, with Sirius' demand on Tom courting him, Tom's chastity curse, Remus Lupin revealed as a werewolf (something that he had to think about for a few days before he accepted), taking care of the triplets, his very festive birthday, and many more. But more than anything, he was looking forward to his fourth year--he could feel that something will happen.

Something good or bad, he didn't know, but he still looked forward to it.

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