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Grammar/spelling mistakes....

Grammar/spelling mistakes everywhere.

I swear, even grown-ups spell simple words incorrectly, and it just messes up the story.

For example:

Wear do you want to go eat lunch today?

It's to hard too let go.

There standing outside they're house.


Like typos are a different story altogether, because we all know how messed up autocorrect can be.

Or maybe we just type fast. Idk.

And sometimes people make little grammar mistakes, but you still get what they were trying to say.

But a while ago I was reading a 1D fanfic and every time someone shook their head (to say no), the line would read 'I shook my head yes'.

Or 'I noded my head no'.

I spelt 'nodded' with one d (get it? 1D) because that's how it was always spelt in the fanfic.

And I still can't wrap my head around why people think 'always' is spelt like alway's.

What even is that?

And people think the plural of 'bunny' is spelt bunny's.

I'm not trying to be a grammar Nazi, but there are some occasions where it's just like no. You can't be that stupid.

You were asked to spell 'you're'.

Not supercalifragilisticexpialodocious.

Get it together.

Use your spellchecker.



And while you're at it, don't ever write words using numbers.

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