Gotta keep it G rated part 2

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When the weirdest, stupidest or most ridiculous words-and sometimes, they're not even real words-are used instead of swearing.

Like using a bajillion asterisks, it's understandable if you don't want to swear.

But don't write swear words if you're going to replace them with a) the night sky, or b) things that should only be used for what they actually mean.

For example, the word 'flop':

What it means: A person who lacks basic life skills, thinks they're the bomb when they're not, and tries to join in on jokes they don't understand.

What it doesn't mean: a word to be used in place of the f word when swearing is not preferred.

Yeah. "Why the flop" happened once.

As in every AWM, using phrases such as "why the flop" or "what the flip happened here" does not necessarily make the story itself bad.

It just means the author is trying a little too hard not to swear.

In part 1 of Gotta keep it G rated, I talked about people writing swear words, but with a whole bunch of asterisks and censors rather than the actual word.

In part 2, I'm talking about avoiding inappropriate language by using really weird substitutes.

In both parts, the person needs to either not swear/sort of swear at all, or take a leaf out of Elsa's book and LET IT GOOOOO

Yes, I used the same Frozen reference from part 1. *puts on sunglasses* deal with it.

And sometimes the main character will just be someone that doesn't like to swear, and that's okay.

I mean, Superwoman, right?

But then all of a sudden, every single other character in the book becomes an innocent angel that doesn't even say the word "hell".

Clearly we have a very influential main character here.

You may have guessed which story I have been referencing and mentioning in this part, and if the author is reading this, please don't get too offended.

I really like your story, and I enjoyed reading it. This book was just made to have a joke about certain things in Wattpad stories.

I'm also not saying your books should curse more-they're perfect. =]

I won't name the story just in case people search it up and start commenting on it saying that they don't swear enough or that their replacements for curse words are stupid.

Hopefully most of you would never do that, but there's always the occasional haters.

And thanks to our good friend Taylor Swift, we know exactly what they're gonna do.

So shake it off, girl.

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