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another boring day in school, i wish i was sick so i won't be here. i just want to stay at home and lay down for the rest of the day. i really really want to leave now, i hate this so much.

i looked out the window, watching every student pass-by. this bunch of fools, shit. i was about to stand up but our teacher came inside the room.i sighed and rested my back on the chair with my arms crossed.

"okay class, we have a new transferee student and she will be your classmate," she said. "you can come in now.." she added. the girl went inside the room and smiled at us. "another annoying person.." i muttered and secretly rolled my eyes.

"woah, she's so beautiful"

"i want to be her friend"

"so pretty"

i heard the students at the back, whispering to each other. fucking tasteless stupid bitches, she's not even that beautiful. such low standards.

"please introduce yourself," the teacher said. "uh- my name is kim minjoo, it's nice to meet you all!" she said with a pure smile on her face. what a piece of shit.

"you can take the seat beside.." the teacher said and looked around, trying to search for a vacant seat. "beside.. ms. kim chaewon" she said but i didn't react at all. i know the seat beside me is vacant, i'm not an idiot.

"so lucky"

"how to be chaewon.."

the students at the back whispered again. i wonder when will they shut the fuck up because they are so annoying, i just want a peaceful life.

"ms. kim chaewon, please raise your hand" the teacher said but i didn't raise my hand and just looked away. the student sitting at my back suddenly tapped my shoulders.

i faced his direction and based on his facial expression, he knew he fucked up. "don't touch me" i mouthed and gave him a death glare before facing the front again.

"chaewon" the teacher called my name once again. i let out a sigh before raising my hand. the teacher told something to the transferee girl, i could sense that she was telling something about me.

then that transferee girl walked towards the vacant seat beside me. she gave me a small smile before sitting down, i just gave her a cold look because hundred percent of me doesn't care.


should i look at her? how about a glance? what if she caught me looking at her and then she thinks that i'm interested in her even though i'm not then she will tell it to the whole class and they will start teasing me about it?

fuck, i'm not going to look!

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