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really?! that girl will be my partner! that girl is a wholeass nightmare. what the fuck the teacher is even thinking?! 

“it's an egg baby project. you're gonna take good care of the egg baby for a week,” the teacher explained. this project is just a waste of time, what the fuck did i do in my past life to receive this kind of treatment? i hate this so much.

"kindly line up here in front to receive the egg baby, make sure to give it a name" he said and then i saw minjoo look at me again. "i'm not going to-" i said but she suddenly interrupted me.

"it's better if we will receive it together, look at them" minjoo pointed to the students already lining up with their partners. "fuck" i muttered as we both stood up and went to the line.

when our turn was already near, she moved closer to me and held onto my arm. "i said don't fucking touch me-" i whispered to her but she's so stubborn, she still didn't let go of me.

"oh are you the transferee?" the teacher asked and minjoo nodded, i wish you didn't transfer. "have you guys already decided a name for the egg baby?" i and minjoo looked at each other then we looked back to the teacher.

"minmin" minjoo said proudly. "you're naming the egg after your name, no way! it should be ssam instead" i complained. "but minmin is cuter! wait, i have a bunch of ideas. joowon, chaemin, chaejoo, or minwon?" she said excitedly.

"none of the above, those names are so ugly-" i exclaimed, chaemin is cute tho. "you guys are taking so long, next!" the teacher said after he handed us the egg. i'm not going to let minjoo hold this egg, she might break it.

"can i see the egg?" minjoo asked after we sat down on our seats. "no" i answered and she just pouted. "please, how about for ten seconds?" she said but i still didn't let her.

if i let her take care of the egg, she might drop it on accident or on purpose. she might also accidentally sit on it. she might also throw the egg at some students to make fun of them. she might also cook the egg and eat it! 

"five seconds? three seconds? one second?" she suggested but it is still a no for me. "give me the egg after the remaining classes or else i'll kiss you" she whispered to my ear. when i said that she's a wholeass nightmare, i'm not even lying about that.

someone kept tapping my shoulders which woke me up from my long nap. "kim chaewon~" fuck, this annoying voice again. "go away" i said and closed my eyes again.

"kim chaewon~" she called my name again so i opened my eyes again and turned my head in her direction. when will this nightmare stop? i'm so done with her already.

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