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who the fuck is waiting for someone? what a lie! i'm here to follow minjoo, to check if the egg is alright in her hands. to be clear, i'm here for the egg and not for minjoo.

"maybe you should come to my house so we can talk about the project," she said and looked at me.

"what do you think?" she asked. "that's so stupid, there's no need to discuss about that egg. you can just actually keep the egg until the deadline and you don't really need to take care of the egg baby like a real one" i said.

"stop it chaewon! chaemin can hear you" she said and covered the egg with both of her hands. "we need to act like parents for chaemin, okay?" she even added while caressing the egg. the amount of stupidity.

"if the egg cracks, we can actually buy a new one without the teacher knowing," i told her. "that's cheating-" she exclaimed. "it's not cheating, it's strategy," i said and rolled my eyes.

because we kept arguing about that egg, we didn't notice that the rain had already stopped. "i'm going now!" minjoo said and began her way home. i secretly followed her, who was talking to the egg like an idiot.

"chaemin-ah, please forget what chaewon said. i hope you know that we love you so so much and we will take care of you always" she said, i'm cringing so much. i suddenly felt something wet dropped on the top of my head, it's raining again.

i immediately put my hood on and continued following her. "i will make some clothes for you but you need to have a face first," minjoo said and giggled. she's talking to a blank egg, oh my god. 

the rain went hard which made minjoo put her bag above her head and she almost dropped the egg, the fuck. she started running to avoid the rain and she ended up slipping, the egg also slipped from her hand.

i immediately ran and gently caught the egg. "so careless" i muttered. i watched her stand up on her own which is kinda funny. she was about to slip again but i already held her by the waist, stopping her from slipping. 

"so you're really following me?" she asked. "i'm here for the egg, not for you," i told her. "if i'm not here, chaemin will be gone already" i added, what the fuck did i just say? 

"you care about chaemin, huh? you said we don't really need to take care of the egg baby like a real one. also, you said that only stupid people will follow me" she confidently said while raising both of her eyebrows up and down. 

"forget what i said and you should go home now because you're soaking wet, you look like an idiot," i said. "m-me? wet?" she repeated and looked down to her- oh my fucking god, this dirty minded bitch.

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