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"chaewon!" i called her name and spread my arms wide as i ran towards her. when i was about to hug her, she moved her right shoulder backwards a bit which made me fall to the floor. 

she continued walking with her hands inside the pockets of her uniform and acted as if nothing happened. kim chaewon, why are you so cool?

i slowly got up and caught up with her. i excitedly walked at the back as i stared at her from behind. she's just walking but why is she so attractive?

"don't watch me, it's annoying" she told me and i immediately obeyed her. i walked beside her instead and managed to steal some glances at her as we walked. 

"chaewon, do you want some chocolate?" i took off my bag and unzipped it. i handed her a small chocolate but she didn't take it. "you don't want?" i asked and pouted. 

she shook her head but i saw her watching me take out the chocolate from my bag earlier. i giggled and put the chocolate inside her pocket before wearing my bag again. 

"chaewon, tell me, why are you so cool?" i asked and looked up at her. her face is so red! "a-are you alright?!" i panickedly said and tugged on her sleeves. 

"do you always act like that when you receive compliments?" i asked and she turned her head to the other side, maybe to avoid my gaze. 

"you're so adorable" i giggled softly and poked her cheek. shit, it's soft. "also chaewon, why are you tall?" i questioned and put my hand on the top of her head. 

"you're just small" she responded and my eyes widened. "me? small? i'm still growing, you know!" i defended myself and hit her arm softly. "i'll surpass you someday," i mumbled before we entered our room.


"chaewon, let's go to the same dorm!" i said excitedly and tapped her shoulders many times. "it's random," she lazily said and yawned. 

i can now cuddle with chaewon if we became dorm mates! "we are destined to be together if we really end up being dorm mates" i declared and hugged her arm. we seemed a lot closer now.

"told you" i said and nudged her as we went inside our dorm. "chaewon will be my roommate, no buts!" yena exclaimed while raising her hand. 

"that's not fair!" yujin objected. "eunbi unnie, what's your say?" yena asked and we all looked at eunbi unnie who's flirting with that hyewon at the side. 

i turned around and noticed that chaewon wasn't beside me anymore. i saw her sitting down on her suitcase and slid inside one of the rooms. "i'm chaewon's roommate!" i declared and followed her but she already shut the door before i even came inside. 

"come out there, kimchi!" yujin yelled and knocked on the door. chaewon peeked a bit and shook her head before closing the door again. 

"okay babies, let's do rock paper scissors!" eunbi unnie decided and we went to the living room except chaewon. "come out there or you'll end up dating minjoo!" hyewon unnie said and chaewon dashed out of the room. 

what the fuck!

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