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our faces are now like an inch apart from each other. i’m just here to wake her up because all the classes are done and she fell asleep. but  why did i end up in this kind of situation?! 

it's fine tho because finally i could see her beautiful and cute face better, her nose is so cute. her gaze went down and i think she's now looking at my lips. maybe she's not really looking at my lips. stop being so delusional, minjoo.

why is she licking her lips?! maybe it's just dry. stop being delusional, kim minjoo! i moved backward and she finally looked back into my eyes. she stood up and was about to leave the room but i stopped her by holding her hand.

"w-wait a minute!" i said and she turned around while raising her left eyebrow. "uhm the egg" i told her and smiled awkwardly. "let go of my hand first" i immediately let go of her hand.

i watched her get the egg from her bag. what the fuck, she put the egg inside her bag! what if it cracked without her knowing?! she handed me the egg and continued to leave the room, leaving me alone here inside.

i checked the egg to see if it didn't have any crack and good thing, there's none. but this egg really needs a carrier filled with cotton balls, i'll tell chaewon to make one but only if she wants to.

i left the school already and i’m now on my way back home. my phone suddenly vibrated so i took it out from my bag to check it. so my mom told me to buy something at the convenience store and there’s exactly a store right beside me.

i went inside the convenience store and started looking for what my mom told me. where the fuck is it? i already want to go home. i went to the next aisle and saw a familiar person looking at the ice cream section.

"chaewon" i called her name and she looked at me. "why are you here? are you following me?" she asked. "i'm here to buy something and i'm not following you," i answered and she just stared at me. 

"i swear i'm not! you, are you following me?" i asked her back. "why would i follow someone like you? only stupid people do that" she answered. "okay, i'm just asking. don't be mad" i said and chuckled.

i'm now outside the convenience store, waiting for the rain to stop because i didn't bring any umbrella. stupid, right? i'm actually beside chaewon who's wearing her hoodie, so lucky.

"why are you still here?" she suddenly asked me. she's worried! i think. "i forgot to bring my umbrella," i answered. "stupid" she mumbled and i heard it. i know it's so stupid, okay?

"why are you still here? you have a hoodie, you should go already" i asked, why the fuck do i sound like i don't want her here. "me? uh- i'm waiting for s-someone" she answered, hmm i could sense something bad.

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