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i just entered the room and she's glaring at me already? i looked away and calmly sat down on my seat beside her. i glanced at her for a second and she's still glaring at me. 

"you," she said, almost like a whisper. "did you forget about our plan?" she asked while tugging on my sleeves. "i didn't" i simply answered and shoved her hand away. 

"so you didn't come on purpose?" she said with a hint of disappointment in her tone. i don't care about what she's feeling right now, i just want her to shut up. 


"don't talk to me"

"we have a presentation tomorrow, what are we going to do?" she reminded me and i didn't answer. "come on, chaewon" she held my hand and attempted to bite it just to get my attention.

"you're annoying," i complained and pulled my hand back. "look, chaemin is sad!" she said and took out the egg from her bag. the egg's face looks happy, she's dumb. 

"i know what you're thinking! chaemin is smiling but she's sad" she hitted my arm softly and shoved the egg near my face. "put that shit away from me" i held her wrist and put it down. 

"oh my god, what did you say? you're a bad parent!" she gasped and covered her mouth. now, i'm the one who's wrong? bitch. "put that egg away from me," i repeated. 

"she has a name!" she exclaimed and gave me another glare. "i don't care, it's an egg so i'll call it an egg" i muttered and rested the side of my head on the window beside me with my arms crossed.

"yo kimchi!" yena shouted from afar as she walked while carrying a folder. she excitedly waved her hand and began running. i turned around and changed my path to avoid her. 

i put my hands inside the pockets of my uniform and walked quickly. "kimchi!" she wrapped her arms around my shoulder and rubbed her cheeks on mine. 

"stop calling me kimchi," i muttered and looked away. "you have a club?" she ignored what i said and proceeded to ask a question. "not interested," i answered and walked at a faster pace. 

"eunbi unnie said-" 

"i don't want any burden this school year," i interrupted her and tried to escape from her grip. "chaewon, eunbi unnie said you're the only one who can do it flawlessly" yena encouraged with an emphasis on the last word. 

"which club minjoo is joining?" i asked and she tilted her head in confusion before gasping. "kim chaewon, oh my fucking god! you want to be with her?" she shouted in shock. 

"i want to avoid her, that's why i'm asking!" i exclaimed and secretly clicked my tongue. "i don't know actually, does she hate sports?" yena asked. 

"i'm not interested in her," i said and she suddenly slapped my back. "i'm not asking if you're interested in her!" she informed me. "i won't join your club if she'll join" i responded and went inside our room. 

"okay, i'll ask you again tomorrow!"

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