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the girl on my left side, sitting beside the window is so pretty but she looked so serious. maybe i should try and talk to her, hope she don't ignore me or else i will look stupid here.

"hello! my name is minjoo," i said as i offered my right hand for a handshake while smiling, showing my indian dimples. okay, this is taking too long. maybe she didn't hear me or something.

i put down my hand and let out a deep breath, i'll try again. "my name is minjoo!" i repeated and stuck my hand out once again. please don't ignore me again, please don't ignore me again...

okay, she ignored me.

i just nodded and slowly put my hand down, acting like nothing happened. “by the way, what’s your name?” i asked and leaned closer to her. she looked at me coldly, she noticed me!

“you’re not listening to that stupid teacher.. right?” she said. she called the teacher stupid, so what the teacher told me is actually true! nah, i can deal with her.

"i'm listening and your name is… chaeyeon!" i said proudly while pointing at her and grabbed the opportunity to poke her cheeks, so soft. 

"chaewon" she said and pushed my hand away. "chaewon? you have a twin?" i asked excitedly, maybe her twin is also as cute as her. she let out a frustrated sigh and looked at me once again.

"my name is chaewon and i don't have a fucking twin, stupid" she said. s-she called me… stupid. i hope she knows that i'm smart, i'm just too lazy to study. well for me tho, i'm smart. 

"okay, chaewon-" i didn't finish my words because she suddenly gave me a death glare so i immediately pressed my lips together. "don't talk to me, okay?" she said and i nodded. scary but cute.

it's lunch time and all the students dashed out of the room. i didn't notice that chaewon is not here anymore. i don't have any friends to eat lunch with, what should i do?

i walked out of the classroom and someone suddenly tapped my shoulder. i turned around and saw a tall girl, smiling widely with her dimples being shown.

“hi, you must be the transferee  student” she said and i just nodded, who the fuck is this girl? is she trying to be friends with me? what if she's a bad influence? she doesn't look like one so i guess i'm going to be friends with her.

“my name is yujin!” she introduced herself and offered her hand for a handshake. "i'm minjoo" i introduced myself too and we shook hands together. 

"ahn yujin, fool~" a tall girl said who passed-by near us which caught our attention, aww what a cutie. "jang wonyoung, fool~" yujin responded.

"is she your friend?" i asked while watching the girl walk. "yes, she's my crush- oh shit. so, would you like to eat lunch with me and my friends?" she asked. "sure!" i said and gave her a smile.

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