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lunch time was done so we went back to our respective rooms and i saw chaewon on her seat already with her earphones on. i sat beside her and took a glance at her again. she's so cute even though she's just taking a nap.

after a few minutes, i realized that i'm already staring at her. she slowly opened her eyes but i didn't move and continued staring at her.

“what are you looking at?” she asked as she took off her earphone on her right ear. “your beautiful face” i answered then i slapped my lips slightly after i realized what i just said, stupid

“i hate it when people are staring at me so go away” she said and she put her earphone back on her right ear. i looked away while blushing so hard, shit! she is so beautiful. 

“hey, i have a question,” i told her. "i'm not interested" she answered but i still continued. “why are you so beautiful?” i asked while smiling like an idiot. i'm not even lying, she's really beautiful.

i could see a light blush forming on her cheeks so i bit my lip to stop myself from smiling even more. whatever she does, she is still beautiful and cute at the same time while i'm here, her seatmate, looking like a frog.

the teacher came inside our room so we all sat down properly, well except for chaewon who still continued taking a nap.

“good afternoon class, so today I decided to give you a project and you’re going to do it with your seatmate,” the teacher explained. "is that okay?" he asked and we all nodded.

i proceeded to look at chaewon who's already half awake and seemed not to understand the whole situation. "hey min, what's happening?" she suddenly asked me which startled me, she gave me a nickname!

“we're partners" i told her and her eyes widened, now she's fully awake. "but-" chaewon was about to say something but the teacher interrupted her. "no buts" he said which made chaewon sigh.

"hey, don't worry. i'm a good lifetime partner" i told her and patted her shoulder. "don't you fucking dare touch me" she said and shoved my hand away from her shoulder.

i poked her arm after she shoved my hand away, she's so cute when she's annoyed. she moved her seat to the other side so i also moved my seat, of course i wanna keep close to her. 

"stop moving," the guy sitting at the back of us said. i witnessed how chaewon looked at the guy, she looked like she's already planning to kill him. still cute as fuck.

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