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"yo chaewon, let's try this," hyunjin stood up and grabbed the nearest volleyball ball to her. she dribbled it and shot it on the basketball ring. it went in.

i stood up and chased the ball she used. i went inside the free throw line before shooting the ball and it went in too. i looked behind and saw a guy standing while sipping on a banana milk.

"chaewon!" i looked to the other side and saw minjoo running towards me. "are you part of the basketball club?" hyunjin tried to talk to the guy and he nodded.

i tried to push minjoo away but she just won't stop hugging me so i just let her. "you!" minjoo shouted which hurted my ear. "you're the one who pushed me on the bus last time!" she added but i covered my ears this time.

"your name?" hyunjin asked and passed the ball to the guy. "the movie? i haven't watched it yet" he answered and i looked away to stop myself from laughing. "fuck you" hyunjin cursed and walked away. he pissed off hyunjin, i like this guy.

"i got ignored!" minjoo yelled and i pushed her away because she's so loud. "you, rude person! let's fight" minjoo ran towards the guy and tried to land a punch on him. "sorry, i don't know you," he replied, which made minjoo freeze on her spot. perfect answer.

minjoo hid behind me because of too much embarrassment. "noona with bangs" he called and i knew he was talking about me. i clicked my tongue before looking at him. "get away from chaewon!" minjoo jumped in front of me and spreaded her arms to protect me. stupid.

"please teach me how to play basketball!" he pleaded and bowed down. "oh my god, he's trying to steal you away from me!" minjoo exclaimed and hugged me tightly. "how the fuck did you get in the basketball club if you don't know how to play?" hyunjin asked and placed her arm around my shoulders.

"don't touch chaewon!" minjoo tried to push her away but she's too weak for that, poor kid. "they lack members" he answered, their club sucks that's why no one's joining. "name," i said as i pushed the two away who are both clinging to me.

"beomgyu, beomgyu!" he said excitedly while raising his hand. "hey, don't tell me you're really going to teach him?" hyunjin pointed to beomgyu and i nodded. "chaewon, stop! i won't be able to spend time with you even more" minjoo cupped my cheeks and i put down her wrists.

"when do you want to start?"

"chaewon, can we stop by there for a while? i just need to buy something," minjoo pointed to the convenience store on our way and i nodded. we went inside and i just followed her around. "there it is!" she excitedly grabbed a bunch of chocolates and brought it to the counter. the fuck.

we went out of the store after she paid and she suddenly handed me one of her chocolates. "you want?" she asked and opened it before handing it to me again. she squealed happily after i took it. i know that she won't stop if i reject her offer and she will start being annoying again.

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