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chaewon, where are you?

i'm currently on my seat, waiting for my turn as the teacher calls the pairs one by one for their presentation. i'm holding tightly on chaemin with both of my hands, still waiting for chaewon. 

"kim chaewon and kim min-"

the door suddenly opened before the teacher finished calling our names. "traffic" chaewon said calmly and went to her seat beside me. i sighed in relief and held tightly on chaewon's uniform. 

with my nervousness, i didn't notice that i'm not holding the egg anymore. i gasped and found the egg cracked on the floor. oh my fucking god! 

"c-chaewon, i'm sorry!" i apologized and bowed many times. "why are you holding the egg in the first place? you should've let it inside the container" she lectured me and i continued apologizing to her. good thing, she didn't mention my clumsiness.

"and why are you so clumsy?" she added and i froze on my spot. "i'm so s-sorry, please d-don't kill m-me!" i said while trying to stop my tears from falling because of too much fear. 

"calm down" she told me and patted my back once before exiting the room. i felt my cheeks heating up because of that small action that she did to me.

i'm now walking on the hallway filled with noisy students as if they are advertising something to the other students. i hugged my notebooks tightly, still feeling down about what happened earlier. 

"chaewon, wait a minute!"

"shut the fuck up, yuri, she's mine!"


"don't run away from us!"

i saw four students chasing chaewon and they didn't even care about the crowd of students in front of them. i followed them to see what's happening. 

they got chaewon cornered and she looked so done with what's happening right now. i secretly stood beside chaewon, slightly behind her. 

"chaewon, gaming club! you know, games! we allow everything there" a pink-haired girl said excitedly, almost shoving the flyer to chaewon's face. "pain in the eyes" she responded and the pink-haired girl almost attacked chaewon.

i tugged on her uniform again from behind and tiptoed for a second to see them clearly. "chaewon, join the dance club! your girlfriend-" the girl who keeps moving around got interrupted by yuri. did i just forget the name of the first two?! and what girlfriend?

"chaewon, come to the music club! we always sleep there!" yuri encouraged and my eyes widened. "yuri, put my name there!" i said excitedly and she immediately wrote my name. 

chaewon and the duck-looking one are now staring at each other, i think they are talking. "welcome to the volleyball club," she said and patted chaewon's back. 

"but volleyball is boring," i said and scratched the top of my head. the two glared at me as if they are ready to kill me any time. "n-no, i m-mean…" i tried to explain but they walked away, abandoning the rest of us.

"yuri, remove my name there!" i said hurriedly. "welcome to the music club," yuri said and laughed before running away. "wait a minute, yuri!" i yelled and began chasing her. 

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