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today is the day that i will be going out with chaewon! i already gave her the location before she left the house even though it seemed like she's not listening to me at that time. 

i sat down on one of the seats at the bus station as i waited for a bus to come. i took out my phone from my bag and tried to contact chaewon. wait, i don't have her phone number.

the bus finally arrived so i put my phone back inside my bag. i was about to step inside until i saw a guy running towards my direction. "move!" he told me and i almost lose my balance when he slightly pushed me out of his way. 

i tilted my head in annoyance as i stepped inside the bus. "the bus is full" the bus driver said and i noticed that the seats were already occupied and there are a lot of people standing in the middle. 

i stepped out of the bus while feeling the gaze of the people inside the bus, this is so embarrassing. i sat down again and waited for another bus to come. 

i arrived on the amusement park and found a bench where i could wait for chaewon. i unzipped my bag and tried to find the container where chaemin is. 

fuck, i forgot to bring it!

i slapped my face from both sides at the same time. why am i so stupid?! chaewon will be surely mad at me! i saw people looking at me as they passed by, i know i look stupid so i hope they'll stop looking at me. 

i slowly put my hand down and searched for the egg inside my bag again to make sure. i slapped myself again but i shouted this time which caught the attention of the people around me once again. 

where the fuck is chaewon?!

i've been here for hours already and she's not yet arriving. did she forget about it? i sighed and looked around, seeing people having fun with the rides. 

"unnie!" i heard a familiar voice calling me. i looked at the opposite side and saw yujin running towards my direction while dragging wonyoung with her. 

they are both wearing cute headbands which made them look more adorable. "unnie, are you alone?" yujin asked. "i was supposed to go here with chaewon but she didn't come" i answered while pouting. 

"that chaewon unnie again! she did the same to yena unnie before but they are close friends so yena unnie let it slide" yujin said and let go of wonyoung's hand to crossed her arms. 

"unnie, do you want to join us?" wonyoung asked excitedly. "hey, you have a curfew and i promised your driver that we will come back in time!" yujin told her. 

"no thanks, won, i'm actually about to go home now and yujin said you have a curfew-" i explained and yujin started dragging wonyoung with her on their way to the parking lot. 

"come on, wonyoung! they might not allow me to hang out with you next time" yujin exclaimed while wonyoung is still playing hard-to-get. "see you on monday, unnie!" yujin said and waved at me.

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