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i did a soft karate chop on the top of chaewon's head and it made her calm down unexpectedly. oh my god, i'm the best! i feel bad for chaewon, i'm gonna apologize to her again later.


the fuck.

"chaewon, let's come back to our room please!" i held on chaewon's arm and pulled her inside our room. "you're making a scene," i told her and sighed.

"but it's just the four of us there" she said softly. chaewon is talking in a soft voice?! well, she saw her girlfriend so it made sense. "you're not a bad setter" i tried to lighten up the mood and i didn't expect her response.

"i know"

but i haven't seen her play yet. "also, i'm sorry for doing that to you earlier" i apologized and she didn't respond. okay, cold chaewon is now back.

"hey, why are you suddenly smiling over there?" yujin asked after getting out of the bathroom. "i just remembered chaewon putting her arm over my shoulders earlier," i explained and tried to hide my smile but i couldn't.

"oh nice, now i have a reason to tease her," she said and happily went inside the room where chaewon is. i was about to follow yujin but she already got kicked out of the room.

i opened the door of her room and slowly went inside. "get out" chaewon said while holding tightly on her volleyball ball and was about to throw it to me.

"i'm just going to get something," i said and walked sideways. i secretly grabbed her fox plushie and went back outside. "you!" she shouted. shit, she noticed!

i ran inside my room and chaewon managed to catch up. she almost got stuck on the door so i opened it for a bit because i don't want her to get hurt. so did i just put myself in danger?

"chaewon..." i slowly walked towards my bed while still facing chaewon. "give it back to me" she said but i hid the plushie underneath my shirt.

i laid down on my bed and covered myself with a huge blanket. she climbed up on my bed and sat down in front of me. "give it back to me," she repeated.

i panicked and sat up when she suddenly sneaked inside my blanket from below. she pulled the plushie out of my shirt by holding onto the tail.

"oh my god!"

chaewon immediately got out of the blanket and we looked at the doorway. yena unnie is currently standing there, shocked from what she just saw.

"eunbi unnie, chaewon is gay!"

chaewon jumped out of my bed and i gasped even though she did it effortlessly. "kim chaewon, come here, we need to talk!" eunbi unnie yelled but chaewon ran back inside their room, ignoring her.

"you stubborn kid! why did you fight hyunjin?!" eunbi unnie shouted as she entered their room. she's smiling but her tone is so scary, i better close the door now.

"hyewon unnie, help me!" chaewon shouted for help. this is my first time to hear her being loud. i went out of my room because of curiosity. i opened the door of their room and saw eunbi unnie tickling chaewon while yena is holding her.

this is a mess.

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