Prologue 🖤

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Before jumping right in....

This book has ideas that will reference the famous movie "The Parent Trap" but with many plot twists. Shoutout to both creators of the movies. 👯

Welcome to a beautiful book with a beautiful meaning about four beautiful people. Sit back, grab a snack, and enjoy my amazing work of art. Major shout out to my twin sister, MiMi, for giving me this idea and assisting me with this 💚 Her character is Nevaeh. Mine is Nilan. This is un-edited so there will be mistakes throughout. Comment, vote, and subscribe 🤟🏽.

DISCLAIMER: All pictures & videos are NOT mine. This book comes from my complete thoughts. Also, this book contains profanity, sexual content, vulgarity, domestic violence, and triggering scenes. This book will also contain diversity so watch out. Please be mindful of what you comment because I do not want anyone to be offended. I say again...THIS BOOK IS MY COMPLETE IMAGINATION aside from a few references from the movie "The Parent Trap"! I have ZERO ties to the characters outside of this work of art.

ALSO, there will literally be NO Nicki Minaj NOR Nas slander NOR the twins slander or I will block you. PERIOD. I love Nicki wholeheartedly and she's like family to me. If her character pisses you off, by all means comment what you please, but don't be disrespectful to her real-world person. She's honestly the sweetest fcking person in the real world. As for Nas, I don't know the guy well but he is respected in the real world so respect his real-world person too! For the twins Anais and Mirabelle, they are beautifulllll children so do NOT be rude towards the babies AT ALL. Please go and show them tons of love and respect on their IG. They are sooooo adorable and sweet! 💚

Edited 09/17/19: The twins Anais and Mirabelle are also NOT the character twins in my book. They are just on my cover art. Making many, many changes today.

Now on with the story.... Enjoyx!

September 02, 2007
Nasir Jones

           I walked down the long stairwell until I reached the fourth floor of the hospital. I tightened the collar around my neck in nervousness.

"Nasir, wait up. You walking to damn fast for my legs, Man." My best friend chuckled behind me as I held the door open for her.

"My bad, Rey. I'm just a little nervous."

She walked through and I walked after her.

"You don't think I'm just as nervous? My twin goddaughters were just born an hour ago and I'm excited to see the precious angels just like you."

I laughed a bit and rubbed the back of my neck.

We walked down the hallway and found a nurse to show us the nursery where my daughters were. She handed us some hand sanitizer and I rubbed my hands together before stepping in.

You could hear the coos of one of the babies and it warmed up my heart. I licked my tongue over my bottom lip and went where the nurse had stopped.

Peeking in the two incubators, my breath got stuck in my chest. Staring back at me with those little pools of chocolates, my girls took my breath away.

"Wow," I said breathlessly. "They look just like me and Onika combined."

"They are so precious," Rey cried and the nurse gave her one of the babies.

I picked up our first born and rubbed her cheek with my finger. Her small hand latched around my index finger and she softly fell asleep.

Once both of them were resting, the nurse insisted we placed them down so that she could take them upstairs to be in the room with my wife, Onika.

"We're going to follow them up and I'll say a few kind words to Onika before going to pick up Betty from work." Rey told me.

"Alright. I got to pick up Dream from Stephanie but I'll be doing that later on. I wanna spend more time with the girls and Nic." I rubbed my tired eyes.

"Rest up, Brother. Your girls and your wife will definitely need you."

I chuckled as we got off the elevator and went to Room 303.

"Hey, Baby. How you feeling?" I asked Onika as she let out a good yawn.

"Hey, Babe. I'm okay. Just tired. Did you see our angels?" She asked excitedly.

"I did. They so cute."

The nurse hadn't brought them in yet so I stepped out to let the ladies talk. Whatever Rey had to say, I didn't want to hear. She loves the hell out of Nic so I'm sure they're about to be in there cracking up over my baby pics that Rey snuck in her damn pocketbook.

"Excuse me, ma'am. I was wondering where our daughters are?" I asked the nurse who was supposed to be bringing my daughters in.

"Oh my goodness. I gave them to the wrong parents. I'm so sorry. Let me go get them!"


She hurried and ran off somewhere before I could even go off. Before I could follow her, my sister Kimmy came up to me.

"Why you looking angry?" She laughed and gave me a hug.

I told her what the nurse said.

"She did WHAT? I'll set it the hell off in this bitch. What she damn thinking?"

The nurse then came back and I made sure my twins was good. They were awake again and talking to each other through the glass.

"Lady, what you got going on?" Kimmy hissed at the nurse.

"I really apologize. They got the room number wrong on the paper. I'm so sorry."

Kimmy smacked her lips. "Don't let it happen again."

We rolled the babies in there and Onika got nervous. This was her first time seeing the babies because she was asleep during the c-section.

I picked up our youngest and handed her to Nicki before doing the same with our oldest.

Kimmy snapped a few pictures of Nic and I over the babies.

"Y'all so cute. I'm about to cry." Kimmy's dramatic ass said.

Rey rolled her eyes at Kimmy and gave me a smile. The two don't like each other.

"Neveah Leilani and Nilan Keilani." Onika whispered quietly.

"I love it, Baby. Our beautiful girls."

We were in a fairytale almost. Everything was perfect. I had my wife and my girls. My career was at its peak. Nothing could take away the joy that we have. Everything was in its place and everything was complete.

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