38. Authoritative

259 17 12

Onika Maraj

The twins and I are currently lounging around the hotel room because it is raining cats and dogs outside. We had a busy day yesterday with shopping, facials, and massages. So, today we decided to lounge with snacks and movies.

Nasir called me earlier this morning asking to speak to the girls. It made me kind of iffy because he knew how important this week is to me. He wished them a happy birthday though and asked how things were going. Nevaeh told him they were fine and enjoying their time with me.

He was jealous. Or at least that's what he sounded like to us. He made little petty remarks about how Nevaeh was loving me more than him now. Just something to start drama. I let him know that we seriously needed to have a talk after my week is out. He rushed me off of the phone and said he had to tend to a crying baby in the background.

I yawned and rolled my eyes to myself, remembering the conversation.

"I just think it's funny how people say Spongebob is gay," Nilan leaned up from my side and rubbed her eyes sleepily. "Like how is he gay?"

Nevaeh smacked her teeth playfully. "My husband is not gay. I get so sick of people talking about him. He just a little emotional. Dasall!"

I chuckled to myself and moved a curl out her face absentmindedly.

Nilan nodded. "Exactly! My bro-in-law just a little sensitive. That's all. Shaking my head."

"I just want to know who married Nevaeh and Spongebob and why wasn't I invited to the wedding." I checked them both.

Nevaeh hid her face in the blanket. "Sorry, Mom. It was a few years back and it was court arranged."

I fell out laughing. "Okay, Baby. Whatever."

We continued watching the Spongebob movie until the door of the hotel room opened up. My heart fell into the pit of my stomach when Nasir stepped in bearing gifts.

The twins looked at me confused as I looked at them the same way.

"Hey, Ladies. I hope I didn't intrude." He chuckled at us as he came over to give the girls hugs.

I stared at him.

I literally asked for a week alone with them. Just one.

"Daddy, why you here? I thought it was just a week with mom?" Nevaeh frowned a little.

Nasir sighed. "I know, but Daddy was missing y'all. Plus, it gives us time to be together as a lil potential family before the wedding."

I scoffed to myself and paid attention to my phone. He sat beside me and pinched my thigh a little bit.

"I asked for a week." I said smartly with a little attitude.

He smacked his teeth. "Let's not do this in front of the kids."

I stood up and walked back into the bedroom part of the suite and slid across the bed. I knew he was going to follow me and he did.

Entering the room, he shut the door and locked it. I heard him moving a little bit before the bed dipped underneath me.

"You wanna tell me why you so pressed about me coming out here?" He spoke up after another minute of silence.

"You don't trust me to be alone with the girls? I asked for a week to get familiar with the both of them and here you come." I rolled my eyes in his face.

He sighed. "Actually, I don't. You ain't never had the two of them alone. I don't trust you to watch my seed and you ain't never been around her."

"Nasir, that's jank as hell! I'll never hurt a baby that came up outta me. I'll never hurt a baby PERIOD so don't ever question that about me."

My nose flared in pissed off black woman. He stared at me with that ugly ass smirk. I turned my head away from him.

"Look, Onika. I flew out so we could get a feel of how it would've been if we were a family. I get married in two weeks. I wanted to spend time with my kids just as much as you before it gets hectic. We can do some stuff together. That's fair right?"

I didn't respond.

He slid off his shirt and turned more to me. Using one hand, he pulled me to him and made me sit up on his lap. I moved up off of him with the quickness, but he pulled me down again.

"Nasir, you're freaking engaged. I am not about to sit on your lap and disrespect that woman; even though she's been bullying our child." I spoke up and threw in the last point to start that conversation.

He leaned back a little. "What you mean she been bullying our child? Don't start that lying shit, Nicki. For real."

"It was told to me from the girls that your new girl HAS been bullying Nevaeh and they got evidence. That's what I've been trying to talk to you about. However, she said she wants to tell you herSelf."

Nasir stared at me for a second before sliding his shirt back on and standing up.

"We'll discuss this later on when I can talk to Nevaeh myself without you. Until then, pack your stuff. We about to bounce to another country."

And with that being said, he left out.

I shook my head to myself and stood up to get the girls up to pack too. My head started throbbing dealing with Nasir's attitude, so I threw back an ibuprofen before heading for the showers.

Once I was dressed in a nice tracksuit, I threw my hair in a ponytail and went out to the front. Nasir had gotten the bags taken down to the car already. He's so damn authoritative and impatient.

"Mom, where are we even going?" Nilan asked me as she grabbed my hand in hers.

"Girl, I don't even know. Your daddy is doing whatever he wants right now."

Nevaeh breathed roughly. "He told me he need to talk to me in private about Starfish or whatever her name is. I wanted you to be there." She rolled her eyes too.

"I'm sorry, Nevaeh. I did warn him though and you make sure you say it all to him. Understand?"

She nodded when he came in and gestured for us to come on. After getting downstairs, the twins walked to the car while I waited on him.

"Where are we going?" I asked him when he grabbed my wrist to walk me out. I slid it right out of his grip.

"'Universal Studios."


Hey Y'all 💗

Happy Late Valentines Day! 😂💗

Here's an updateeeee!

What do y'all think?

Thank you all for the ideas! More to come.

I peep DRAMA already.


See y'all later! 😘😚👋🏽

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