37. Til 3005

289 14 2

Onika Maraj
Bahamas & Dubai

'Twas the night before Halloween. The girls were in their room about to head downstairs to leave and so was I. My bags were ready. My outfit was ready. I was ready.

As I examined myself once more, my business phone begin ringing. I sighed and looked at it. It was a producer. I turned it off.

I managed to turn my personal phone off too last night because this time means more to me than ever. I get a week with both of my girls. Just us.

A knock sounded on my hotel room door. I rolled my luggage over to it and unlocked it. It was the girls.

"We wanted to make sure you was okay. It's been about forty minutes since you said you was coming down." Nevaeh raised her eyebrows at me.

Nilan smirked a bit, picking at me for always being late.

"I'm sorry. I was fixing my disguise, but I am ready. Let's go ahead and leave." I laughed small.

I followed them to the elevator and we went down to the lobby. I handed the clerk my room card.

"Hope you enjoyed your stay." The guy greeted me.

"I did. Thank you."

He gave me a nod and we walked out to leave. After putting out luggage in the taxi, we all got in with me on the end.

The girls were looking out the other window and talking amongst themselves as I sat and thought about where we were going next.

"Take us to the airport and we will eat breakfast at the place beside it." I told the taxi driver.

"Yes ma'am." He responded quickly and switched lanes.

"So, Mom, where are we headed first?" Nilan asked as she applied chapstick to her lips. "Will it be fun?"

I gave her a genuine smile. "I was thinking Dubai first. We can pamper ourselves for a day and then hop on a plane to somewhere fun. Is that okay?"

Nevaeh squealed. "Oh yes. I've been wanting a massage for a long time. I've been stressing."

I furrowed my eyebrows playfully. "Girl, what you been stressing about?"

Nevaeh leaned into my side. "Well daddy's girlfriend is a major problem. I hate her guts. Every time she comes around, she makes petty statements and hit on me. Mom, I be about to choke that fish. I don't like her at all."

I listened closely. I don't know what goes on at Nasir's place.

"Okay so tell me what do you do when she starts with you. Have you told Nasir?"

Nevaeh shook her head. "No ma'am. I haven't because he's trying to marry her and he isn't the type to listen to me."

I understood. "Okay. Would you feel better if I addressed the situation on your behalf? Or would you like to be the one to explain to him with me being present?"

Nevaeh though for a minute. Nilan was listening as well.

"I want you present when I talk to him so that I wouldn't have to do it alone. And Nilan too because she witnessed a lot being on FaceTime."

Nilan gave me a nod in confirmation.

"Okay. I will talk to him immediately after our vacation and we will address the issue. Nilan, have you been okay? I saw the footage with Dee and you don't have to worry about him. He no longer is around and he never will be again. I promise."

I saw the security camera when Dee tried to get to Nilan. I handled that right then and he can never step foot around any of us again. Wayne and Baby also said if he comes back to let them know so that they could handle him.

"Okay. Good," Nilan spoke out. "I really hate him, Mama. He's so cruel."

"I know, Baby. You should've told me. However, I'm glad I saw for myself and handled that. I want you girls to be safe. Always."

The taxi pulled up to the restaurant and we got out. The airport was right by it and was suitable walking distance.

"Come on. We have to eat now because we have a two hour wait limit for our flight," I explained to the girls. "Sir, we will be right back. Please protect our luggage."

The guy nodded in trust. "Definitely, Ms."

The girls and I went into the restaurant and took a seat. I sat across from them and took a look at the menu.

"Mommy, should I get the omelet or pancakes?" Nilan asked as she scratched her nose.

"The omelet does look good. I'm getting pancakes. Get whatever you want, Baby." I suggested.

Nevaeh pointed at the sausage platter on my menu. "I want this one with OJ. I'm gonna go potty real quick."

"Take Nilan with you." I told her. "Stick together."

There's been way too much kidnapping for me to let them wonder off alone.

"Yes ma'am."

Nevaeh and Nilan grabbed hands and I watched them walk to the restroom. The waitress came and I ordered our food.

After a couple of minutes, the twins came back and sat down.

"Wash your hands?" I asked them both.

They both nodded their heads, making their hair fly in their faces for a moment.

"Yes ma'am. Are we going to shop while in Dubai? I saw that they have cute thrift stores." Nilan asked.

"Yes. Definitely." I answered. "I have a question. What is it that you two want to get out of this trip?"

I've been curious since I brought it up that we were going on vacation. I knew what I wanted out of it, but not what they wanted. That bothered me too much to not ask.

Nevaeh pondered for a moment before speaking up first. "I want a better bond with you. I don't really think we are close as we should be. So, that's what I want."

"Okay. We can definitely work on that. You, Nilan?" I agreed.

"I want a more trusting relationship with you. Like I want to trust that you will be there for when I need you and not always put work first. Because I be missing you a lot and stuff." She explained while shyly covering her mouth.

I smiled small. "You don't have to be shy about what you want from me. I'm your mom. I understand. We will work on our relationship as well as our trust with each other. All three of us."

Our food arrived to the table and I said grace. We begin eating and made small talk. It was interesting seeing them laugh about every small detail.

I loved every second of it. And this is definitely where I belong. With both of my twins. Together.

— Happy Mfin Halloween! 🎃🧡

— I felt hyper and happy enough to update.

— I don't think I'm doing a trick or treat chapter. I might. Lmao.

— I'm gonna try to get another chapter in, but my hands are frozen from the cold.

— Hope y'all had a good night.


— Did you understand the importance of this chapter?


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