10. Pool Talk

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Orlando, Florida
Neveah Jones
Camp Disney

I kicked my legs in the pool, enjoying the hot air

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I kicked my legs in the pool, enjoying the hot air. Nilan was beside me splashing a kid for getting her hair wet.

"I told you to stop!" She yelled at the kid. "You better learn not to touch a black girl's inches!"

I laughed at her and shook my head. She was right though. Don't touch our hair.

"So I've come up with a plan." I interrupted her ranting.

"Oh cool?" She looked over at me. "What's up?"

I blew out a breath and turned a little to her.

"You want to switch places with me?"

Her eyebrows furrowed a little bit. "What?"

"Would you like to switch places? I mean think about it."

She paused and looked at the water before looking up at me.

"I mean I always wanted to know daddy so I guess it's not a bad idea. But I don't know how to be like you."

I laughed. "It's not hard. I'll teach you all I know. And you can teach me all you know."

Her small smile spread across her face. "Okay. So when we get back to the room, no sleeping. You have a lot to learn."


I grabbed a float and slid on it while Nilan slid on behind me. We rode the wave of the pool until we changed pools. We went over to the adult pool and got in until we reached the 8 feet and then we both jumped off with flips.

The water covered my body and I instantly started feeling relaxed and free. I love swimming. Dad would take me every week during the summer time. It was our thing.

I rose my face above the water the same time Nilan did.

"That was awesome. Let's do it again." Nilan said out of breath.

"Alright. Best flip wins."

As soon as we were about to flip off the life guard blew his whistle and rushed in the pool.

The water surrounded us and we grabbed each other's hands. The life guard grabbed me by my waist and pulled us up.

"Yo!" I yelled a little. "What are you doing?"

"Why would you two do that in the deepest end?! Get out the pool!" He hollered.

"Don't talk to my twin that way! We are expert swimmers and we knew what we were doing!" Nilan retorted.

"I'm going to tell your camp counselor. Go back to the kid pool now!"

Nilan and I rolled our eyes and went to grab our stuff. The life guard went to Darcy and pointed over at us.

"He's such a snitch." I sighed.

"I'm not surprised. He has no print."

I looked over at her slowly and she sent me a shrug. We both broke out in laughter.

"You are wilding." I shook my head.

Darcy came over to us with her hands on her hips.

"Why would you too disobey our camp rules? You could have drowned!" She fussed at us.

"It's really not that serious. We wouldn't have done it if we didn't know what we were doing." Nilan said smartly.

"You have a smart mouth. Get to your room. You two are on punishment for the remainder of the day."

Nilan Jones
Camp Disney

Neveah and I went up to our room without a word. I had apologized to her for getting us put on punishment with my mouth. She said it didn't matter because now we had more time to talk.

When we got in, we took turns showering and getting dressed. We dressed the same which is weird that we packed the same clothes. Yeah that's weird.

We lounged on my bed and talked.

"Okay so that's all the people I need to know and I've told you all the people you need to know." I explained to her.

"Yeah. So when I get there, I have the room on the far end to the left with a N.J on the door?" She asked.

"Yes. And oh we also have a puppy now. Her name is Charm. She is only allowed to go in my room and the play area. Mom hates anything that crawl." I laughed.

"We have three dogs. But be careful with the black pit bull. His name is Mud and he's not good with new people. He'll know you're not me."

"Geeeesh. Thanks in advance." I rubbed my eyebrows. "You sure this will work? I'm nervous."

She nodded surely. "I do. I can't wait to see mom. It's gonna be so fun."

I smiled small. "Yeah. Can't wait to see dad too. It's all so weird to me."

"I agree. But we will be fine. You have my number and we need to call each other every day or every other day."

She went over to the desk and grabbed my iPad. I had put our picture on my home screen.

"You might want to change your screensaver. They don't need to know we've met yet." She said.

"Ahh you're right. You can put it on my private folder app. I take pics of mommy while she's sleeping and hides them." I laughed a little harder.

"Oh my gosh! What!? Let me see!" She squealed.

I unlocked the folder with my password and opened it up. I had about 47 embarrassing pictures of my mom and I.

Neveah and I both burst into laughter as we scrolled through the pictures.

"She's even pretty in her sleep. I'm shooketh." Neveah told me laughing.

"Girl, bye."

"Don't hate on Mom. Daddy looks like a pig when he's sleeping through. No shaaade."

I laughed. "Girl that was the whole tree. Go away."

For the rest of the day, we planned how our switch up was going to go. Then we watched movies until we fell asleep.

// Hey! It's been a minute but here is another update!

// Don't forget to VOTE & send me comments! I love seeing the comments and interacting with y'all. Share the book also, because it really is a good book so far.

// Toodles! 🔥🖤

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