28. Matter of Trust

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Editor Note for Current Readers as of 09/17/19: I have decided to age up the twins only a tad bit. In order for the story to make sense to me, I'm aging them up by two years. This will mean they are 12 almost 13 instead of 10 (because what 10 year olds do things like this? 😭) I just want it to be more realistic. I'll go back and change their previous age when I edit the entire book. Until then, enjoy the rest of the beautiful and hilarious story! — Jailiana

Nilan Jones
Paris, France

My phone dinged underneath my pillow and I slid my hand underneath to get it. It was a text message from Nevaeh. We hadn't talked in a long while. I missed her.

Nevaeh: Hi, twin. I can't sleep. Miss you so much. Just wanted to let you know that I love you and I wish we could see each other again. I hope school was really good for you and I wish we went to the same school. Text me back when you see this. Love you.

I smiled so big and my heart felt so happy. It must be night time over there because it's morning over here.

I texted her back after straightening up my bed.

Nilan: Hey twin! I love you sooooooo much and I miss you soooooooooooooo much! I wish I could run away again just to see you. I'm so sad still. How was school? Was it fun? Mine was good. Wish you was here with me. I'm awake if you want to talk. Have a good night. Love you tons. Xoxo.

I sent the message and she read it. I moved my braids out of the way and laid back on my stomach to wait on her reply.

Nevaeh: FaceTime! Can you?

Nilan: Yes!

I pressed the FaceTime button and her face came on the screen. I smiled so big.

"Twin! Omg you look so cute with your braids." She squealed on the other end.

I laughed. "So do you. Your beads are clear? I love that."

She laughed too and we started talking about every thing.

"So I was asking Tyler did he have a brother because he said he wanted a twin and never got one. He told me no and that he had a big sister. What if we have older siblings? I wonder did mom and dad lie about them too." She explained to me as I ate my candy.

"They lied to us about each other so who knows." I shrugged. "Speaking of mom and dad, do you think they're trying to bring me and you together again? Because mom hasn't said a word."

Nevaeh sighed loudly. "No. I think they lied to us again. Daddy hasn't even been home. His side trick came by earlier though and she pushed me down. I let Danger loose to chase after her."

I shook my head. "She's gonna keep right on and we're gonna get her. I though they broke up?"

Nevaeh shook her head too. "No. They still date. He told me not to tell anyone, but you don't count."

I grinned. "I think mom is engaged. She has a ring on her left hand and it's big."

There was a pause of silence.

"What?" Nevaeh answered.

"Yeah. It's big and she's been real smiley lately. She even came home today and got dressed in club clothes. I don't know what's going on because I'm always here in my room." I continued to explain. "I think it's about to be a big problem, Vaeh."

Nevaeh started shuffling around and I heard her lock her bedroom door. I decided to do the same and made sure no one was listening. Mom wasn't home, but our butler and chef was.

I sat back on my bed and yawned.

"Okay we need to come up with another plan. If mom gets married, she can't get back with dad and we will forever be separated. If dad keeps going out with starfish, she will eventually get him to marry her. If me and you want to be together, we have to do something fast." Nevaeh suggested. "It's the only way."

I agreed with her. The only people who always suffer from our parents' decisions are us.

"What do you have in mind?" I asked Nevaeh as she grabbed her pencil and notebook. I did then same since we were about to talk business.

"We turn thirteen in two weeks. Daddy asked me where I wanted to go for my birthday and I told him I wanted to spend it with you. But he said we couldn't because we're both in school. It's not fair."

I furrowed my eyebrows and sighed. "Mom said she wanted us to be together for our birthday, but that school was in the way too and it wouldn't be right because none of our friends could attend."

"At the end of the day, it's not fair that we have to spend our birthdays alone. We should be together. Period. And this is how we will make sure of it."

Nevaeh threw out ideas that were really good and would guarantee us to spend our birthdays together as twins should. Even though we will be punished for the rest of our lives, I loved doing bad things if it meant we would get what we want.

"So do you agree with our plans? We could get in a lot of trouble, but it'll our birthday wish come true." Neveah smiled at me.

I smiled back. "You know I'm down for trouble so yes. I agree and I'm ready."

"Good. We have two weeks to get everything prepared. I have my bribery gift ready and you just need to make sure you do your part."

"I will," I promised her. "This will be so much fun."

I couldn't wait to put our plans into action. This was about to be the best preteen birthday ever. I just couldn't wait.

Nevaeh stayed on the phone for an hour longer until she fell asleep. I whispered that I loved her before hanging up to let my phone charge. I went into the bathroom and started my bath to get ready for bed. I hid my birthday notes inside of my coded box where all of my other secret things were and stared out at the moon.

Pretty soon, things will start to make sense.

— So yeah. I edited their age because I have a better understanding about how age vs. action is important. 10 year olds wouldn't do things like this, so I need the book to be more realistic.

— Hope you guys like this change. It makes sense to me.

— What do you think the twin's plans are?

— Vote. Comment. Share.

— See ya soon. ❤️

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