30. Time Told

222 15 7

Nilan Jones
Paris, France

I sat at my desk with my laptop on my lap. My mom was finally out of the house after being closed up in her home office for four days straight. She would only come out to yell or eat since she had a bathroom attached in there. It was so annoying because I couldn't get done as much as I could've gotten done for Operation Twitch as Nevaeh calls it.

"Hey, Ni. What you up to?" Nevaeh yawned as I sipped some of my hot chocolate.

"I got the resort ready for Operation Twitch using fake names. I'm all packed and ready to go. The last thing I have to get is my flight ticket." I explained to her.

Nevaeh nodded in satisfaction. "Good. I got my bags packed and ready. The decorations we picked out are ready and we still have to find a cake."

"We will figure that part out when we get there. Nevaeh, I hope this works because Nicki has been tripping out a lot lately." I sighed.

Nevaeh crunches on whatever she was eating. "You can't be thinking negative, Ni. Daddy been tripping too as always because he thinks Bobby be letting me get my way. I just tune him out because all that yelling is nerve wrecking. The plan will work. We put too much into this."

"Alright. Alright," I gave in. "I'm looking at the decorations again and I agree with the color scheme. I think we should add some silver glitter though."

"That's cool. I like that."

I put the items in my cart and went to purchase. I put in the personal postal office box where our other things are being sent. They should arrive the day we get to our destination.

"Since we won't have security, I'm gonna borrow some self-defense objects from dad's war room. Something light that can get us through check-out at the airport." Nevaeh cleared her throat.

I straightened my hair out using the camera. "Yeah that's cool. But no matter what, we gotta stick together at all times."

"Oh we definitely will. No matter what."

I heard stomping up the staircase and closed out of the browser. I quickly pulled up Netflix and tapped on the first cartoon I saw.

Nevaeh put me on pause right before my door swung open.

"We need to talk." Mom told me as she sat down on my bed.


She sighed and checked her phone quickly before tossing it to the side.

"So your birthday is coming up in a couple days you can say and we haven't discussed it much. I was going to give you a party, but something has come up. So would you like me to just buy you a gift? It's up to you." She explained sort of nervous.

I looked at her and studied her. She's gotten thicker, but she still looked good. She was starting to glaze like a doughnut from the heat in this house.

"Where you gonna be on my birthday, Mama?" I asked slyly.

"I have a whole video with Rihanna that I forgot about. I know it's your special day and you're already bombed out that you can't spend it with Vaeh, but I promise the gift will be worth it and I'm sending your sister something too."

A small smile spread across my face. "It's the thought that count." I shrugged.

"I love you. Thanks for understanding."

She stood up and headed for the door.

"Oh mom?" I called out. She turned around. "Did you find who did that with your card?"

"No. I had to get a whole new one."

I nodded. "I'm sure whoever did it will come to light soon."

She gave me a little smile. "Sure. I'm gonna be out of town for a little while, but Chef agreed to watch you until I return. If you need anything or if anything happen, you better call me."

"I will. I'll miss you. You're never home anymore." I pouted.

She shrugged a bit. "I miss you a whole lot. You don't understand. Whatever I do, it's for you and even for Vaeh. You'll understand one day."

With that being said, she left and I closed my door back. I heard her leave the house minutes after and cleared my throat.

"You there?" I asked Nevaeh who still had me on pause.

She came back on camera. "Yeah. I love her too."

I gave her one nod. "Well I guess I'm cleared for Operation Twitch."

"I been cleared," She shrugged with a snort. "Daddy never hangs with me on birthdays. Not since I turned ten."

"I'm sorry, Vaeh." I frowned. "If it makes you feel any better, this is the first birthday we get to spend together."

She laughed a bit which made me laugh. "We're gonna have so much fun."

"I can't wait." We said in unison.

We continued to talk about all the stuff we wanted to talk about until someone knocked on my door. I looked at Vaeh in confusion before my door came busted open.

"Woah! What the heck are you doing?!" I hollered at my mom's boyfriend, D.

He came in my room with just a towel on. "You should've stayed with yo' punk ass daddy, Girl." He chuckled at me as he stepped towards me.

I stumbled on my desk, secretly flipping the camera for Nevaeh to record what was happening. I hoped like hell she was smart enough to.

"Get away from me, D! I'm gonna tell my Mama on you!" I threatened him.

"Nah, your mama don't got time to give me what I want, so I'm gonna snatch what she made instead."

I tried to grab the scissors with my left hand, but he knocked it off the table. He grabbed me by my neck with one hand and slammed me against the desk and wall. I became angry with him. This was his second time putting his hands on me.

I kicked and fought for my life. His punches were hurtful and I felt my eye swelling, but I was winning. I kicked him where it hurt the most and he went stumbling down.

Grabbing my baseball bat, I went to work.

Chef eventually ran in and grabbed me. D's lucky I didn't kill him like I planned to.

"Get out of my house and don't you never come back." I yelled at D. "I promise you gon' pay for this!"

Once D was out of my room, Chef let me go. I caught my breath and locked everybody out my room.

"I recorded AND sent it to mama. If she come home with an attitude at you, you better grab your bags and meet me at our secret spot. UGH I'm so mad! I should've been there!" She yelled and screamed.

I sat on my bed and caught my breath again. I couldn't even respond because I knew it wasn't over yet.

— I have to remember the innocence in the book. Remember that the twins are fantasy and that they only LOOK kind of like Anais and Mirabelle.

— Y'all think Nilan is low key the evil twin? 🤔

— So where do y'all think they are going for their birthday?

— I love it when y'all comment. It makes me feel like y'all connect with the book.

— Vote. Comment. Share.

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